Example sentences of "[vb base] [adj] be [adv] [adv] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Erm I do play golf I mean that 's neither here nor there .
2 No , that 's a , that 's , right , but I mean that 's neither here nor there is it ?
3 So over all a deserved win — i just hope Speedy is back soon as Hodge is definitely not a good enough player .
4 Yeah I think , I think that 's probably just as well because erm let's say you know it 's being answered by somebody who 's gay themselves or lesbian themselves or you know kind of is , is heterosexual but has sort of anti-homophobic sympathies
5 Yes , but you see that was all right because it was going to the Louis Pasteur Institute for Aids , it 's the only piece of important jewellery I 've ever bought myself .
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