Example sentences of "[vb base] [verb] her [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 You want to see her in the morning when she bloody get up .
2 She would n't go out in the car the other week so we like chained her to the wall we were .
3 You could n't just walk into it casually , as he had done , drop home from the office and decide to eradicate her on the spur of the moment .
4 The woman said her lodgings were rather difficult to find , but if we go to see her after the show , she 'll arrange for a member of the company to escort us there . ’
5 She gets these surges of anger now and then , against injustice and evil and so on , no matter how often I try to remind her about the facts of life .
6 I love to bathe her in the kitchen sink and play with her . ’
7 I hate bathing her in the sink because the kitchen is draughty , especially since a chunk of the wall fell out a few weeks ago . ’
8 I 've seen her behind the bar in that dress , many nights .
9 And of course , we 've seen her in the gossip columns , stepping out with the rich , the famous and the suntanned .
10 I du n no , I du n no who she 's going out with , but I 've seen her , I 've seen her in the car in the morning when I , like this morning I was walking in , she was in the car just getting the old , but I do n't know if he works here or not , she 's got to be going out with somebody .
11 Could it not be one of the two or three people who 've helped her with the writings ?
12 We will take coffee at once and then I intend to show her over the house .
13 I have to meet her at the airport . ’
14 The 19-year-old French beauty , who had a million-seller with Joe Le Taxi , has told how strangers have attacked her in the street .
15 They have seen her in the shadows outside the windows of country cottages , and drawn the blinds , dropped the latch .
16 I have watched her at the opera , where she glittered .
17 If , however , you do not know who this person is , or might be , it would be more helpful if we were to give some indication of why we have introduced her into the conversation .
18 For I have walked her through the gate and along the path , led her up the steps and caused her to ring the doorbell .
19 We plan to invite her for the weekend of 10th — 12th July and hope to be able to use Froebel Institute , Roehampton .
20 She then returned to full-time medical work , and now her religious , political and medical commitments have led her to the position of Consultant in Public Health Medicine for Central Birmingham Health Authority .
21 Graf is one of the world 's top tennis players whose supreme athleticism and guts have put her at the top of a very tough profession .
22 We have put her among the children until she learns .
23 I have put her in the parlour ; she insisted on waiting until you returned . ’
24 ‘ You have to excuse her at the moment ; she … ’
25 I had to go and collect grandma you see to take her to the station , and I did n't have an awful lot of time so I just sort of ran round and collected whatever I got .
26 Highly ambitious , but not a high achiever , Modesty and a lack of confidence have kept her at the Post Office ‘ instead of earning twice as much as Lord Hanson ’ .
27 ‘ I have nursed her with the headache , ’ Wilson said , ‘ it is nothing to me or to her . ’
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