Example sentences of "[vb base] [verb] that it be [adv] " in BNC.

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1 okay , again I mean these are things that talk about confirmation I mean quite honestly I 'm I 'd be quite happy if we had offices where people talk to each other ninety per cent of the time rather than send memos and faxes to each other , and on the whole we are really talking about inside the office with the people who we work with I mean obviously clients as well trying to find something different , we tend tend to find that it 's very very easy sometimes to make a phone call it 's much easier to make a phone call and to talk to that person and give them the personal touch .
2 I want to suggest that it is ultimately unsatisfactory , both on intellectual and political grounds .
3 If we want to show that it is not spurious , we have to demonstrate that there are no plausible prior variables affecting both the variables of interest .
4 Instead we are talking about a series of complex configurations of politics , economics and ideology that recursively interact to guarantee that it is not possible to understand what is happening in the local economies of Glasgow , Liverpool or Birmingham in the UK or Baltimore , New York or Toronto in North America without reference to inner city policies wedded to a particular form of symbolic , frequently spectacular , regeneration .
5 Foreign assistance or aid will be examined later ; suffice to state that it is totally inadequate in relation to the present-day financial needs of many LDCs .
6 You begin to see that it 's just another language .
7 It is not always reported as being in exactly the same location , although recent reports seem to suggest that it is not now capable of the movement which it once , extraordinarily , may have demonstrated .
8 In a more complex case I might sit in on a discussion within a committee but begin to consider that it is not moving in a direction that suits me .
9 So successful had the Minogue Machine become that it was then able to turn down one of the most lucrative deals in pop music history .
10 East Lancs spokesman Mr. Graham Vevers commented : ‘ Many people seem to think that it 's already a foregone conclusion that it will come here .
11 We need not bother with the details , save to say that it is quite certain that all the contemporary accounts of Balboa 's triumph — which mention that he first saw the Pacific at 10 am on Tuesday , 25 September — are wrong .
12 We biologists have assimilated the idea of genetic evolution so deeply that we tend to forget that it is only one of many possible kinds of evolution .
13 We tend to believe that it is only in Iran that people who commit adultery are stoned , whereas in Europe it 's the other way round .
14 Equally , many people , including owners , developers and even some planners , continue to believe that it is only the exterior of the building , or at least a grade II building , that is protected by listing .
15 We do know that it was not until the late summer of 1965 that he gave private indications of his intention to stand for a second term , and not until 4 November that he made his decision public .
16 I do feel that it is extremely important to think first what your nearest and dearest would really like before you begin to knit .
17 This can be a patch of grass or bare earth , a stone , a car mat , etc. , but do ensure that it is not large enough to cause problems if the model should touch it .
18 Before you re-use the newspaper and blotting paper for another batch of plant material , do ensure that it is thoroughly ironed to remove any moisture , or you will affect future pressings .
19 Do remember that it is not only the signed and sealed contract that helps to concentrate people 's minds on their commitments .
20 Having an attack of Cystitis for the first time can seem rather frightening , but do remember that it is not usually a serious threat to health .
21 We had to look at where the opportunities were for development in Greater York as a whole rather than looking at individual district elements , and in terms of land available , erm Mr Steel appears to have included some sites which we classify as land held in reserve , which we do n't normally count towards the land availability targets , although we do acknowledge that it is there .
22 If the atheist uncovers ‘ His ’ identity , then lo and behold the theists start saying that it is n't God after all .
23 Students and instructors often fail to realise that it is not the amount of height that matters but how much room there is ahead .
24 But they do admit that it 's still more often than not a case of all talk and no action when boys discuss sex in the playground .
25 erm its but I think to say that it is n't happening in schools is a bit unfair , because I do think it does happen in many schools erm and but there 's a great deal of work to be done .
26 ‘ They do say that it 's there that thy Robemaker has his Workshops .
27 I do n't know if it 's true , but there is a frog sometimes seen near the pond in the backyard , and I 've heard that it 's really a poor first-year who — ’
28 Many feminists will come this far with me but still shy away from the idea of pay for childcare , even when we 've clarified that it 's not the same demand as Wages for Housework .
29 Perhaps you 've noticed that it 's often difficult , on a bus or a train , to assess bow loudly you are talking ?
30 one hand goes one way , one hand goes the other , break it open , put the cardboard away and you need to be ready to try before you pull the next bit off do n't you because as soon as you 've opened that it 's not sterilized any more , so you open that up and you find , unwrap it
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