Example sentences of "[vb base] [verb] [coord] [vb infin] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ That 's why I intend to try and stick in this country .
2 ‘ That 's why I intend to try and stick in this country .
3 I mean I said to him oh er what he 's really got to get really is a cooker erm cos I said to him , I , I said to him if you really want to try and move in next week then you have n't got another week 's money to pay for that , you know
4 It is in this setting that I want to try and talk about Moral Re-Armament .
5 For a department within C U and er we 've done this design on it , and come up with a new system , that we want to try and sell to other departments within the company .
6 The obvious comparison is with housework : if women want to eat and live in pleasant surroundings they have to cook and clean .
7 We hurry them on when they want to stop and look at some new marvel .
8 To achieve these ends , police seek to liaise and work with other agencies , consult their public , and stimulate the self-policing capacities of communities themselves .
9 Adrian , who came 15th despite hopes for a medal , vowed : ‘ I certainly hope to go and win in four years ’ time . ’
10 Again , a few instances must suffice to show how the culture of racism , and institutional processes which provide discretionary Al locative power to teachers , tend to intermesh and work against many black students .
11 Once again we meet to debate and vote on this highly emotive subject and it has always almost , it has already been apparent that it is very emotional .
12 This is a rather apt description of a bloom that is flat , ( compared to the high central point of the Hybrid Tea , for example ) and in which the many petals seem to curl and divide into four sections or quarters .
13 Urging firms to take up the challenge of the new markets to safeguard their future , he added : ‘ It is the innovative and proactive oil and gas service companies of Scotland with the vision and drive to explore and capitalise on international markets who will succeed and grow in the next century . ’
14 Roll out the remaining black/brown icing to the same dimensions on non-stick paper , trim to shape and slice into evenly-shaped squares with a knife for the tiles .
15 They reject the role of helplessness and attempt to re-engage and integrate into religious ritual the energy of the feminine psyche .
16 We have then , in the mid 1980s , a situation where two communities start to talk and meet with each other following a very long silence .
17 And where possible , we do try and pass on any discounts that are available to you .
18 Happens , but they do try and go for bigger takings , I mean they 'll not break into my house it wo n't be worth all that worth .
19 When melted stir in the crumbs and leave to soften and swell for 10 min .
20 You dream and feel things like a girl as well as like a boy , and you desire to dress and behave like both .
21 B. More people desire to live and work in southern England and around London than in the Midlands .
22 Bring to boil and reduce by half .
23 ‘ I need to go and look at this furniture for the house , ’ she admitted .
24 They start behind men in certain ways because of the sort of training they are getting in school , in the home I mean , and in so many respects I think schools have to try and compensate for that .
25 Bring to the boil , then cover and reduce to simmer and cook until tender , 30–40 minutes .
26 In all living cells , proteins have to recognize and bind to specific DNA sequences , recognition generally resulting from the interactions of particular amino acid side-chains with the nucleotide bases of specific DNA sequences .
27 What is more , co-operative R&D ventures may provide a forum in which firms learn to co-operate and collude with each on a wider basis , particularly if they create well-defined strategic groups that bring peer-group pressure to bear on each other whenever incentives to cheat appear .
28 It said that the acquisition of conventional weapons would be based on the doctrine of " minimum deterrence " , defined as the capability which the states in the region " legitimately need to deter and defend against military aggression " .
29 We have to examine and discuss in great detail its proposals for an immensely complex engineering project .
30 You know , as much as all this GCSE business is a step in the right direction now , it all stems from this post-Renaissance business about compartmentalizing the arts and sciences , and how that 's reflected in societal terms , and this rather pathetic need to grade and assess in this way .
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