Example sentences of "[vb base] [verb] [conj] [pron] [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Physically , men tend to find that they take longer to get an erection , and ejaculation results in less semen than when they were younger .
2 It would be too late so she said I really want to go because we went out last night you know
3 ‘ I want to wait until I know more about the likely opposition .
4 ‘ I want to wait until I know more about the likely opposition .
5 You want to appeal but there has already been a long delay , and you urgently need to get it right this time .
6 I wonder what you expect to find when you get there ?
7 If on the other hand you specify the languages in advance , you may be leaving out a language group in which there are people who want to train that you did not know of .
8 But once again on the phone you have to tell them that 's what you want to discuss when you come round .
9 I want to suggest that they have not and that there are equally plausible ( though less politically attractive ) explanations for the associations they claim to identify .
10 She said : ‘ It is a trip of a lifetime and something I want to do before I settle down with a career .
11 Children are often snappish and can not be touched ; they want to do as they please yet do not know what pleases them !
12 We also want to ensure that we get more from the resources we invest .
13 You are advised to keep your answer to question 5 as concise as possible ( no more than a few sentences ) ; be sure that you know exactly what you want to say before you pick up the phone .
14 So poems are elusive because you get the idea that actually working out your idea so it comes down on paper and it looks like a good poem and it says what you want to say and it does n't spoil the effect etcetera so you 've really captured your poem .
15 I 've tried ATM and softfont downloading but it does n't seem to work .
16 Yes er that , that 's no problem but what I would like to do is obviously keep er face to face er contact so that we can explain the thing fully because you may have other questions that you want to ask once you 've actually read it so therefore I 'm on hand hopefully to answer all these questions
17 and how he 'd seen prison and er they 'd said they had n't any prisons but he found one and erm hospitals and all that sort of thing and at the end of the week 's visit erm one of the very high ups , whom he named and I 've forgotten the name of him , I think I 'll just use that , thank you erm sent for h he , he was brought before him as it were and the man said to him are there any questions er at the end of your week that you want to ask and he said well perhaps there is one he said erm Winston Churchill was here erm a month or two , a few months ago
18 Even though we want the judgements of young doctors to be securely based on the evidence , we want to feel that they have not just assiduously acquired the necessary knowledge , but also have immediate first-hand understanding of it in practice , having conducted patient examinations , observed relevant operations , and so forth .
19 ‘ That 's not to say when you 're gardening or on holiday that the wheels stop turning and you do n't have any ideas . ’
20 Put like that it seems less like a divine commandment and more a TV ad for increased leisure .
21 Suffice to say that I do not believe that human activity can be explained from or reduced to the ecological level .
22 Well sir , they 're , we support dipping because it 's already been stated to note that we make most of the money for Shropshire from farming , and sheep is one of the big things which we sell all over the country , but unless we can guarantee our sheep are clear of er , disease people are n't going to come here and buy meat and stuff are they ?
23 As a practical measure , keep a full record of all jobs that you apply for and the responses that you receive to show that you have not simply sat back and waited for the money to roll in .
24 No I mean to play if we played outside .
25 Jim will walk with his arm round Anna 's waist , and they tend to vanish if you turn away for a moment .
26 But that 's peanuts compared with what I stand to lose if I do n't get Seawitch to Athens by the fourth . ’
27 ‘ I begin to see that you do n't like me , Ellen .
28 The J/44 , and some other J-boats , seem to indicate that it does not .
29 Every time I come here I begin to worry that I have somehow crossed into another stream and am sailing back in the opposite direction .
30 Those of us who have recollections of the cocktail party organised in conjunction with Lady Margaret Hall seem to remember that it went off rather well .
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