Example sentences of "[vb base] [verb] [conj] [noun] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Well want to know if Rick joins in the conversation will we get any vouchers for doggy food ?
2 The Government take the matter extremely seriously and want to ensure that grants go to those who most need them .
3 Essentially , occupational pension schemes are designed — by men with male ‘ family wage-earners ’ and male middle-class career patterns in mind , so not only do they exclude the majority of part-time workers , but they tend to assume that earnings peak in the final years of working life , which is much less often the case for women than for men .
4 For a start , they argue , America has already told Jordan that it wants to be friends again ( watch to see if America leans on Israel to be more accommodating to Jordan 's need for water ) .
5 Most readers will probably recall being explicitly taught the concept of the antonym at school ( I seem to recall that antonyms figured in the late , unlamented 11 + exam ) .
6 Studies of actual usage seem to show that items placed in this position really do correlate with discourse topic , or what the participants are talking " about " , although not always in simple ways ( Duranti & Ochs , 1979 ) .
7 Does n't the good minister understand that we are not living in an idealised middle-class world of Just William where chaps get caned and girls behave like Violet Elizabeth Bott ?
8 The argument for feminist education , free from male control , is not as a remedial exercise , it is because we have important work to do together , from which we can not afford to be distracted by the interference and destruction we know happens when men remain in control .
9 I would hope that the vast majority of beer festival organisers take heed of Keith Thomas 's article and try to ensure that quality comes before quantity at beer festivals , then I might be tempted to visit more beer festivals again .
10 But , occasions do arise when positions have to be determined from the intersection of position lines .
11 But I do know that England drew on an enormous well of self-belief .
12 ( If you doubt the maths do remember that slides have to be processed at around £3.00 per roll and then mounted at around 20p per slide . )
13 Cognitive–Behavioural treatments have been the most extensively evaluated interventions of all the psychotherapeutic schools in relation to these disorders and they do indicate that clients benefit in the short term , but little is known about the maintenance of change in the long term .
14 Well , they each seem to do one thing well enough , but fail to realise that literature depends on doing several things well at the same time .
15 We start to notice that people look after us and protect us , especially if we 're girls .
16 The two girls totter to the lavatory door , laughing at the funniest thing they 've seen since Grandma sat on her chihuahua .
17 I have to see whether people laugh with recognition .
18 AT last the TV networks have realised that viewers want to be entertained on a Sunday not preached at .
19 Other studies have disclosed that patients complaining of slow transit constipation have impaired cyclic rectal activity , suggesting that these patients have a motor neuropathy .
20 Our problem in the West is that we have forgotten where food comes from , and therefore we ignore its real value .
21 We need to know whether Paul got to the Cathedral under his own steam and at what time .
22 Governors need to know that savings remain with the school and that losses are immediately deducted from the next year 's budget total ; they must hold it important to understand the whole budget and grasp the concept of virement .
23 We have seen that landowners have from early times sought methods of retaining their land in the family .
24 Returning to the problem of violence in residential care , we have seen that violence has to be defined by someone and that each person , whether instigator , recipient or third party , may have a different perspective .
25 ( 1983 ) have argued that maps based on the European Air Chemistry Network may be misleading in several respects , such as in failing adequately to show the pattern of time variations over the years or the large degree of uncertainty attaching to individual contours , and assuming a geographical homogeneity which is not borne out by detailed calculations with data taken from adjacent sites .
26 Quinney ( 1977 ) and Jankovic ( 1977 ) have argued that prison acts as a way of reducing the size of the reserve army of labour .
27 The reason that some have thought that psychoanalysis operates as a closed belief system is , no doubt , a result of the fact that Freud made the point that people usually reject psychoanalytic ideas at first , and the vehemence of their rejection may mask deep repression of material .
28 In Scotland Woodley et al ( 1992 ) have shown that students entering with lower Highers scores are more likely to fail examinations and drop-out for that reason , while Johnes and Taylor ( 1989 ) have shown that non-completion rates in universities throughout the UK are related to the mean A-level score of students on entry .
29 Many of the characters considered had been shown by other workers to be of selective importance in white clover or another species of Trifolium ( e.g. Cahn & Harper ( 1976b ) had presented evidence suggesting that sheep selected between leaf marks ; Dirzo & Harper ( 1982a ) and others have shown that slugs select between cyanogenic and acyanogenic forms ; Black ( 1960 ) had shown the selective value of long petioles ) .
30 Previous DNase I footprinting studies with this DNA fragment have shown that actinomycin binds to all the potential GC sites with similar affinity and that it modifies the structure of surrounding regions of DNA [ 3 ] .
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