Example sentences of "[vb base] [conj] it [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 When she asks , you must on no account say that it went into the sea , because she will worry that it is a curse on you — or me as well , for it was given to me at my baptism .
2 THE plasma precipitating into the Earth 's dayside auroral atmosphere has characteristics which show that it originates from the shocked solar-wind plasma of the magnetosheath .
3 Chair , I 'd like to challenge standing orders on motion three O one , an example being in the part-time workers ' qualification into it was done by a recommendation of and we therefore request that it stays on the agenda .
4 Strabane 's Lynn McCool had a 12 foot putt to give herself and Eileen Rose Power victory over Julie Hall and Kirsty Speak but it stopped on the lip and the match was halved .
5 Provided that your material is newsworthy and you ensure that it lands on the right person 's desk at the right time , the chances are that it will be published .
6 Calfa stressed that his government remained committed to the development of nuclear power , but would in future ensure that it conformed to the highest Western standards .
7 We asked Liverpool-based Goldsmith Williams ' solicitor Nina Roland , who writes the Echo Woman Extra 's LE Law column where these women stand when it comes to the question of access .
8 In the past , it was thought that language began when the child uttered the first word , but we now know that it begins with the first interactions and communication shortly after birth .
9 ‘ I know canon law and I also know that it rests on the justice of God .
10 Mr Smith has no explanation for the defeat , although his supporters imply that it lies in the personality of Neil Kinnock .
11 Many believe that it lies under the church of San Vincenzo in Prato , even though there is no historical record of the church before the year 806 .
12 Marxists argue that it derives from the needs of the capitalist mode of production , while elite theorists see it as an institutional-bureaucratic coincidence of interest .
13 The second is to look at what visual systems do , build something that will do the same job , and then determine whether it works in the same way as a real visual system .
14 It was this fact which led Lord Lyons to comment that the government did not lead so much as follow when it came to the last stages of the crisis .
15 Coun George Robinson claimed that if the council had received the same level of Government support grant that it had in the 1970s , the poll tax would have been about £100 .
16 In a grammatical gender language , nouns are placed in classes not according to their meaning but according to their form — for example , the patterning of their inflectional endings — and the way they behave when it comes to the agreement of adjectives , articles and pronouns ( the technical term for this is ‘ concord ’ ) .
17 They know better than anyone that all the badmouthing of men they could manage would not begin to balance the inequality they experience when it comes to the job market — fewer opportunities , low wages , nonexistent child-care facilities and a hopelessly uneven battle to survive if , for example , the father of their children jumps ship and fails to pay any maintenance .
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