Example sentences of "[vb base] [conj] [pers pn] [verb] that [det] " in BNC.

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1 Then I saw the top tier of the cake and that has got to be the er piece , piece de resistance I think as the French say and I know that some very exciting ideas are coming out of the South East region .
2 When we say when we say that that we stage door club is closed it closed in the place it 's not open every evening but we do actually let it out we let it out to companies and whatever conference or companies who want a facility or meeting place something we do actually market that and we do actually ask people if they want to use it and in fact it has been taken up there .
3 How then can the causal analysis show that I know that all men die ?
4 The circumstances in which Anselm used the phrase Libertas Ecclesiae in these nine letters from 1101 to 1106 show that he knew that this phrase embodied the papal policy with which Hugh of Lyons had probably made him familiar , and which he was in duty bound to carry out in the matter of homage and investiture .
5 I hope that he agrees that that does not mean that differences that are difficult to justify should be perpetuated indefinitely .
6 The porter , staggering beside him , made the iron gibbet creak and groan until it appeared that all three were partners in a deadly dance .
7 Yes I I would agree with that but I wondered , I think perhaps it should be the finance committee , I mean cos I understood that most of these these items are contained within the existing budget , because I mean the individual committees do have have the power to the monies within their own , and I it has it I would agree with Peter that if we have gone over and above the that the committee were working to but I understood that that was not the case , so I .
8 I confess that I thought that that case had arisen a little before that speech .
9 ‘ I assume that we thought that these dependants would wish to accompany their soldiers and that the soldiers would wish to have them with them .
10 ‘ Oh , Mr Kelly , you know and I know that that piece of paper is a bloody con . ’
11 We 're on the same side and you know and I know that some of the troops are gon na find that , I , my opinion is that some of the troops will find that hard going for eleven weeks unless they know exactly what the hell they 're supposed to be doing in
12 ’ My parents know and I know that this is the best place I could be .
13 I think you know and I know that this is just not true !
14 The one that I remember and I hope that that er the papers are either here in Caernarfon in the archives or p possible in the National Library because my cousin , gave most of the Brothers papers that he had control over
15 No sorry , I only put , well you got one I suppose if they know that this rap thing wo n't last long
16 Erm y'know that that sort of thing when they when they y'know when they might be , when they feel when they feel that some some other bloke 's making an approach to them , when they feel that er y'know erm somebody finds them attractive , when they think that some other bloke has made a pass at them or something like that y'know they sort of react in a hostile way but y'know there 's that suspicion that mm er y'know kind of er it 's because they 're insecure about their masculinity , it 's because they feel threatened or something like that .
17 I think that he accepts that that would constitute a long-term commitment , and a hazardous and dangerous one .
18 We we think and I think that that the inexorable logic is towards the North East Ryedale districts of North east of York .
19 You see cos I know that some of the phases you find that Does it genera you see cos some some of the programs generate programs .
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