Example sentences of "[vb base] [conj] [art] [noun] of the " in BNC.

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1 They suggest that the models may be linked , and further suggest that the direction of the causal link between participation and satisfaction is not entirely clear : possibly satisfaction leads to participation and not vice versa .
2 The latest figures from the building societies suggest that the size of the average new mortgage granted in 1988/9 was £35,000 .
3 Both surveys also suggest that the state of the local labour market has an important influence on the extent to which unemployed people take temporary work .
4 Finally , they suggest that the intensity of the depression will depend on how strong is the expectation of uncontrollability and on how important the outcome of the situation is seen to be .
5 These findings suggest that the rearrangement of the PGC gene may reflect the atrophic change of gastric mucosa .
6 Two of my applications tests suggest that the heart of the RapidCad may be a 33MHz 486 .
7 ROS : I merely suggest that the position of the sun , if it is out , would give you a rough idea of the time ; alternatively , the clock , if it is going , would give you a rough idea of the position of the sun .
8 They suggest that the behaviour of the young is often defined as threatening by adults in positions of power and that , encouraged by media campaigns , the state can often overreact to ‘ deviant ’ behaviour and basically make matters worse ( Frith 1984 ; Muncie 1984 ) .
9 We suggest that the choosing of the names for the child enables the parents to pay compliments to other relatives .
10 Some recent developments suggest that the exercise of the prerogative can sometimes be questioned .
11 Such arguments suggest that the perception of the sodomite was already implicated in the constructions of gender and sexual difference , and , through them , of identity , subjectivity , and social ordering more generally , and the anxieties attendant upon all these things .
12 This was to lead to an increase in real wages and to a decline in rents for land , and in so far as these can be used to measure the standard of living of the people , they suggest that the condition of the peasantry improved markedly in the fifteenth century .
13 Preliminary observations suggest that the acceleration of the exodus from the larger cities coincided with a period of intensive family raising and with large-scale clearance of sub-standard housing , while in contrast , the last ten years have witnessed falling fertility , population ageing , higher divorce rates and other changes leading to different housing requirements , as well as government efforts to redevelop inner city areas and curb the rate of decentralization .
14 Bond and Westbrook ( 1982 ) suggest that the source of the discrepancy can be found in the amount of the flavoured substance experienced by the subjects on the pre-exposure trial — Best and Gemberling ( 1977 ) gave only brief exposure whereas the other experimenters gave rather more .
15 Although this place has heard tales of much horror and beastliness over the many generations that hon. Members have spoken about the plight of victims throughout the history of this place , I suggest that the plight of the people whose human rights we will discuss this morning transcends almost every other horror that we have heard here .
16 More practically I suggest that an extension of the sovereign-power theory into international law is an unhelpful and dangerous thing to do , at least insofar as the avoidance of war is concerned .
17 Agreements for the sale and purchase of shares in companies and the sale and purchase of businesses often provide that the amounts of the profits ( or losses ) of a company or business are to be certified by accountants .
18 Today , I further propose that the ministers of the 23 Nato and Warsaw Pact nations take advantage of our February meeting in Ottawa , where we will launch the Open Skies negotiations , to give a further push to the Vienna talks on conventional forces .
19 I therefore propose that the report of the directors and the audited accounts for the year ended thirty first December nineteen eighty nine now submitted to this meeting be and are hereby er , received and that the final dividend of twelve point five pence , er , net per share , recommended by the directors be and is hereby declared payable on first June nineteen ninety , to holders of ordinary shares of the company on the register , three P M on fourth of May nineteen ninety .
20 Given all the information available to them at the end of period t - 1 , firms expect that the position of the aggregate demand curve in period t will be AD in figure 5.1 .
21 Using figure 5.1 again we might imagine that firms , at the end of period 0 , expect that the position of the aggregate demand curve will be AD in period 1 .
22 For simplicity we shall also assume that firms expect that the position of the aggregate demand curve in period 2 will also be AD .
23 At this rate , we confidently expect that the results of the ballot will be announced sometime last year .
24 Mrs thinks that that is best provided by two carers living in the house , each on duty for half the week , such carers being directly employed by the , by contrast Mrs says that an agency should provide a carer all the time from its available pool , she envisages that in practice three or four carers would share the work , they differ over the full number of hours care to be provided by hired carers , Mrs envisages seventeen hours a day in total , Mrs ten hours , again I emphasize that the artificiality of the working in precise number of hours , where you have somebody actually living in the house all the time and available to er carry out active care at any time , but of course carers are not always having to do things which might be described as active care .
25 I underline that the presence of the troops is causing the problem at present .
26 He said : ‘ Too few people realise that the independence of the judges is the one thing that stands between John Citizen and the abuse of power by governments of whatever colour .
27 But those who realise that the difficulties of the patient with anorexia are just as real of those of any other sick person will find the treatment of these patients both interesting and rewarding .
28 Not many people who come to Hardraw realise that the lip of the waterfall is totally artificial .
29 I 'm glad you realise that the root of the problem lies with your husband not with you , and I 'm sure you 're right in thinking that he might need outside help .
30 The Sufis say that the stains of the soul will be expunged only by the water of the eyes .
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