Example sentences of "[vb base] [conj] [pron] [vb base] [verb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ The ones who come back who are n't mutated to the point of monstrosity say that they 've seen it .
2 In 89 , a poem of infidelity ( ‘ Say that thou didst forsake me for some fault ’ ) , the Poet abases himself , vowing to perform all kinds of penance in order to win the Friend back , including never mentioning his name again in case he ‘ haply of our old acquaintance tell ’ : it is over , in the past .
3 You say that you wish to marry her .
4 Can you put your hand on your heart and say that you have made it plain what he or she is allowed to do ( hopefully not unnecessarily restrictive ) and what he or she should not do ?
5 ‘ The newspapers say that you want to marry her .
6 I 'm gon na ring them up and say that I 've found her !
7 ‘ You forget , ’ Dorothea said gently , ‘ you forget that I have seen him . ’
8 They know what they want and they intend to get it .
9 They are quite capable of paying for the resource they want and they want to provide it , but they 're just not allowed to do it .
10 Then if you want if you want to invite them back that 's right , yes .
11 Well if you want if you want exchange it den well you afi chat it .
12 I stress that we have made them in the most constructive vein possible .
13 But when we have got such a satisfactory outcome , unless subsequent events show that we have got it wrong , or that we have wrongly read the environment or some other major change , we would aim to stick with it for some years .
14 Well I hope that I 've given you enough to get you started on the right tracks .
15 I just hope that I 've plugged it in properly .
16 I get it , I get it every time I come into one of these but I I hope that I 've got it in got them in formation .
17 And when I 've expanded and I 've told you then I then come back to my ending and I say , okay so what I 've done I 've told you about three aspects of flying , about the safety of it , ab about the costs involved in taking part in flying and about the enjoyment you 're gon na get out of flying and I hope that I 've persuaded you that you will come along on Saturday to take part , and that 's the ending .
18 I hope that I have encouraged you to get the pattern sheets , electronic pen and , if needed , cover-up strips set out on the table ready to draw a pattern .
19 And make sure when you leave the place I hope that you have washed them and you 've washed those .
20 I hope that you continue to enjoy it and that you will send me your comments , your thoughts and your news .
21 ‘ People do n't often change their buildings and contents cover once they have got it it tends to be something they pay and forget about . ’
22 And when the blur does clear , we imagine that we have made it do so all by ourselves .
23 Wait until we 've braced it .
24 Wait until I 've shown you the fabulous coast of Jutland and taken you to the island of Fyn where I was born .
25 ‘ It does n't look much now , I know , but you wait until I 've finished it — decorated it , I mean .
26 ‘ You wait till you 've met him , ’ said Tim .
27 Wait till I 've cut it and we 're all sat down with a piece , and I 'll tell you a story .
28 what do you mean shouting you , you think I 'm shouting though , you wait till I get going you know , okay , right incredibly powerful trying to work out exactly what he wants er eyes were bulging do n't do that , do n't do that , I 'm in charge , do n't do that .
29 I have been helped by mentors , women and men , at various stages in my career and I have a very strong network of people who have given me advice and support when I 've needed it and shared the ups and downs .
30 I tend to keep a tight rein at first , and gradually relax as I get to know them .
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