Example sentences of "[vb base] [adv] be the [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 The bellwether here is the nomination of Lani Guinier to be assistant attorney-general for civil rights .
2 What sets the experience of REM sleep apart is the vividness of the visual imagery and the generally more compelling quality of the dreams associated with it .
3 Behold now is the day of salvation !
4 If you 're familiar with Ventura Publisher , the first thing you 'll notice when you load up is the absence of an icon-based toolbar .
5 It certainly is erotic , but is perhaps better described , following Eve Sedgwick , as homosocial desire , if only , in the first instance , to avoid the easy but questionable assumption that what we witness here is the irruption of repressed homosexual desire as conceived by Freud .
6 The Office , of course , was in the business of sanctification , but this account of Rolle 's early passionate concern for a life-style which reflected his urgent sense of priorities is heard again later in his Fire of Love : As adolescence dawned in my unhappy youth , present too was the grace of my Maker .
7 All they lack now is the levers of power .
8 Key here is the development of the post-industrial middle classes , the cultural-capital based fraction of the bourgeoisie .
9 Key here was the influence of non-western cultural forms on Artaud — first the foregrounding of actors ' movements and the absence of props in Japanese theatre ; then his exposure to Cambodian dance in 1922 ; but most importantly the Balinese Dance Theatre which Artaud witnessed at the Colonial Exhibition in Paris in 1931 , after which he wrote a succession of now canonical theoretical essays on theatre .
10 I 've always been the type of guy who 'll dig into every note regardless of whether that note might be right or wrong or in or out of tune .
11 However , the inequalities in higher education have rarely been the subject of close and critical attention ; far from arguing that higher education serves to reproduce inequalities , commentators ( e.g. Wolpe 1977 ) have argued merely that higher education functions to train middle-class students to take up positions of status and responsibility in society , such as civil servants , managers , teachers and doctors .
12 Problems of cross-cultural translation have long been the terrain of anthropology .
13 Gardiner traces the passions , torments and tragedy ( the death of two of their children ) of their shared life , and sheds light on episodes which have long been the subject of rumour and anecdote .
14 The sapphire waters of the coast have long been the domain of fierce sea-going tribes who were such a formidable barrier to the early European spice traders that the mountainous backbone of the island remained unexplored until the turn of this century .
15 The skills required to carry out these tasks are in short supply , even though assessing health care needs and evaluating service effectiveness have long been the responsiblity of directors of public health and their predecessors .
16 Inpatient waiting times have long been the focus of attention , but for many patients waiting to be admitted to hospital is just the tip of a ‘ waiting iceberg . ’
17 To walkers and climbers the price of continued access to the hills need only be the cost of MCofS membership .
18 Athletics meetings , tennis tournaments and horse-races have all been the subject of sponsorship .
19 The answer is that the London Rubber Company , Hoffman LaRoche , Kelloggs , the Central Electricity Generating Board , and the National Coal Board have all been the subject of investigations by the Monopolies and Mergers Commission .
20 an education of this kind is the greatest benefit which could be conferred upon any citizen of a great state , and … the common right to it , the common discipline and enjoyment of it , the common possession of the tastes and association connected with it , would form a new element of national unity , linking together the mental life of all classes by experiences which have hitherto been the privilege of a limited section .
21 The work experiences of a sample of these workers over their first twelve months after redundancy have already been the subject of extensive research under ESRC project F/00/23/2257 .
22 Hepatitis B anc C have already been the subject of PCR work and are the subject of a separate article in this series .
23 When buying extended works , the collector should make sure that they have not been the subject of depredations of this nature .
24 That this is not always the case is apparent from our policy in cervical cancer screening , the bulk of which has occurred among young women , in whom the risk of dying of cervical cancer is substantially less than among older women , who have not been the focus of public screening policies for this disease .
25 Exposure drafts of ethical guidance on those topics have just been the subject of extensive consultation .
26 In particular , Marx claimed that ‘ the ruling ideas of each age have ever been the ideas of its ruling class ’ ( Marx , 1977 : 236 ) .
27 Hence the Queens of Avelorn have always been the Everqueens of Ulthuan , forming an unbroken chain from ages past .
28 Microcomputers are accessible to individuals at home , to small businesses and to schools This means that the majority of microcomputers are used by people without specialised skills in computing Manufacturers of microcomputers and the writers of programs for them therefore design their products to be simple to use Mainframe and minicomputers , however , are extremely expensive and have always been the preserve of large organisations where specialist staff and trained computer operators are more readily available .
29 ‘ You have always been the soul of industry and cheerfulness .
30 It is they , after all , who have always been the symbols of their culture and traditionally it is at their slightest touch that the delicate flower of Izzat can shrivel .
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