Example sentences of "[vb base] [adv] be [verb] [conj] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 He had heard shouts like these then , and the bark of dogs , and the cries and screams as Jewish friends near by were found and summarily shot .
2 ‘ We were the giggling lavatorial girls we 've always been portrayed but somewhere there was a spark of maturity , ’ says Carolyn .
3 On the question of giving an employee reasons for his dismissal , reasons need only be given if specifically requested by the employee ( Section 58 of the 1978 Act ) .
4 They do not show how to impose mathematics , but occasions when mathematical experiences and ideas have naturally been involved and sometimes explored , as each teacher has thought appropriate .
5 They may also depend upon getting people from within the department to work to change old policies which have hitherto been regarded as quite satisfactory .
6 Although this was an extreme case , it is by no means unique and practically every university teacher who has supervised an undergraduate dissertation will recognize the problem of trying to write a dissertation backwards ; that is to say , taking the data that have already been collected and then trying to find some hypothesis which they can be used to test .
7 The process of editing will take account of the other papers left by Miss Lister , including the vast number of letters which she left and which have already been calendered and partly transcribed .
8 This weirdo is perceived as poking around dusty old bookshops instead of the gleaming God-have-you-any- conception -what-this-refit-has-just-cost-us sort of outlet and , worse , buys secondhand books , books that have already been sold and therefore attract no income or royalties whatever ; and who might even be willing to pay up to 10 times the original cover price if the damn thing is a first edition , whereas everyone knows that first editions are merely what are given away free , for heaven 's sake , to hacks who seldom review them and — even more galling — to the bloody authors who wrote them in the first place .
9 Will the Secretary of State confirm that fully two thirds of the costs of Trident have already been spent or contractually committed by the present Government ?
10 Lesion studies have their own problems of interpretation , while other methods which might conceivably be used to establish cerebral dominance , such as dichaptic stimulation and the dual-task technique , have not been validated nor widely adopted in experiments with large numbers of left handers .
11 It is believed that considerably more connections have not been discovered and so not broken up .
12 If we believe that the child should be placed transracially as an alternative to institutional care , then social workers must resist the massive denial or evasion of the negative consequences of some transracial placements for black children when the substitute parents have not been prepared or perhaps are very unsuitable to care for a black child .
13 However , it is axiomatic that if such successful strategies have been so developed they have not been published and therefore can not be commented upon here or in any other similar text .
14 It is clear that the lessons of ‘ 92 have not been learned and again Managers would appear to be telling Senior Management what they want to hear , rather than reflecting the real situation .
15 Prices have not been agreed as yet though US prices of $2,000 to $2,800 for the EO 440 and $3,000 to $3,300 for the EO 880 provide a hint on pricing .
16 Although most children from socially disadvantaged backgrounds have not been identified as low achieving , there is still a high correlation between social-class membership and educational achievement , with middle-class children distancing themselves increasingly in educational achievements and perhaps also socially from children from working-class backgrounds — another form of segregation within what purports to be the mainstream .
17 The move to limits based on hours may help , but the periods of two and three hours specified have still been criticised as too low .
18 And , once again , what about the Russians , whose literature and music have always been welcomed as thoroughly European ?
19 This approach is best suited to the study of small to moderate amounts of data but its merits have probably been exaggerated since even skilled statisticians need minutes rather than seconds to respond sensibly to output from all but the simplest analysis steps .
20 I know they do Jed but but I mean what I 'm saying if priority states other forces have probably been waiting and rather than us sort of trying
21 A variety of more objective measures have traditionally been used as well by teachers .
22 Ornamental plants have also been selected and sometimes become feral , notably the forms of ‘ croton ’ , Codiaeum variegatum ( Euphorbiaceae ) and the red-leaved forms of Acalypha tricolor ( A. wilkesiana , Euphorbiaceae ) and other plants .
23 Combinations of more than one B I -B II transition have also been attempted and always led to even greater energy losses .
24 This has been capped by the well publicised current appearance of no less than Rain Man ( Warner ) for sale ( £14.99 ) as well as for rent , when hitherto the two spheres have tacitly been regarded as mutually exclusive .
25 ‘ We 've lost four games , but have n't been playing that badly , whereas last season we got turned over at Aston Villa and Everton .
26 ‘ Maybe we have n't been playing as well recently as we did earlier in the season , but we are still getting the results .
27 The permanent vacancies have never been advertised and then the jobs ‘ get lost in the system ’ , and the jobholder retains the post permanently .
28 They have never been shown or even reproduced .
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