Example sentences of "[vb base] [adv] [prep] be [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Parents have such high hopes for their offspring and then they grow up to be a big disappointment .
2 ‘ Any landing you walk away from is a good one , ’ she exclaimed as they taxied in to the small terminal .
3 What these contradictions add up to is the paradoxical point that the ‘ frozen moment of loveliness is more dynamic than the fluid world of reality only because it is frozen ’ , that art is more vivid than life only because it is not alive .
4 I set out to be the best athlete Britain has ever known and I 've achieved that .
5 ‘ I set out to be the best athlete Britain has ever known and I 've achieved that .
6 Lastly I fear that because the Mathematics programmes came first and were so well organised and established , with the neat sequential task of curriculum development so easy to define ( despite its obvious size ) , there may have been a tendency to concentrate scarce resources upon an item which , on sober reflection , I believe now to be a lowish priority in the primary curriculum .
7 Unfortunately , all too often ‘ ideal ’ conditions turn out to be no such thing and the dejected suitor must return home , desire unrequited .
8 The seventeenth- and eighteenth-century writers do describe a number of fruit fools , fools made from gooseberries , raspberries , strawberries , redcurrants , apples , mulberries , apricots , even from fresh figs ; but few of these dishes turn out to be the simple cream-enriched purées we know today .
9 Fundamentally , the reason is that the properties of DNA that we have identified turn out to be the basic ingredients necessary for any process of cumulative selection .
10 On Wednesday , Paddy Ashdown played the tough talker , the straight man who wo n't soften the harsh realities — though those realities immediately turn out to be the same smooth bribes offered by every other politician .
11 Even where the media report sightings of what are apparently other phenomena , they often turn out to be the same species .
12 Eventually this year 's winners in both the men 's and women 's races turn out to be the same as last year 's .
13 Eventually this year 's winners in both the men 's and women 's races turn out to be the same as last year 's .
14 I wondered as we strolled across the lawn whether he might not in fact turn out to be the last King of Tonga , the final member of a brief and moderately distinguished dynasty .
15 More often than not , oils chosen this way turn out to be the very ones needed at the time , and as the person 's physical and emotional state alters , so might their aroma preference .
16 ‘ Once the truth becomes apparent , nephew , ’ explained Richard of Gloucester , and I judge there to be no further danger of a rising to place another on the throne or appoint another as Lord Protector , Vaughan and Rivers shall be released — and no harm done . ’
17 As I say when you become a councillor you do not do it for money , I mean I think probably to be a better reason to become a councillor these days .
18 Its conclusion is that we can only hope to show that we understand propositions about the mental states of others if we take there to be a non-contingent relation between mental states and behaviour , and thus remove the possibility that the two should come apart .
19 All theoretical treatments of the quantised Hall effect proposed so far require there to be no dissipative scattering if they are to account for the values of h/Ne 2 at the plateaux .
20 I planned to stay there for the summer , and then learn how to be a better actress .
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