Example sentences of "[vb base] [adv] [conj] it [is] not " in BNC.

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1 We race constantly so it is not surprising that 90 per cent of accidents are caused by excess speed . ’
2 In wet areas , weeds and turf re-root and grow quickly and it is not easy to work up a clean tilth unless they are well buried and allowed to rot .
3 that start with a C you learn maybe about ten or twenty that start with a K and you say well if it 's not one of these I do n't know I 'm gon na s try it with a C.
4 ‘ Also I am accustomed to courtesy and react badly when it is not present .
5 I think I now know sooner if it 's not going to be any good , you know .
6 The findings indicate however that it is not so much the carers ' preferences which do or do not change but their feelings about the feasibility of those preferences .
7 Well I suppose like that it 's not worth tuppence really .
8 After all , we may be learning as we go along but it is n't long before we discover that not everybody has a sylph-like waist or arms that with a little stretch will trail along the floor !
9 But , if I go back and it 's not cleared up it might ruddy come back again !
10 Er in most of them will er most people in Ireland will be in a pub at some stage of the day you know and it 's no unusual thing to er we 've got a recording studio in we live or I live rather and it 's not unusual to walk out the studio at er lunch time with some people you 'd been recording and go into the pub for a lunch and if you were n't very careful you could still be there that evening singing
11 He added : " It is a strange world we live in where it is not all right to kill some animals because they are prettier or more intelligent than others . "
12 With an elephant you can kick it till the cows come home but it 's not going to worry about it .
13 Many training providers pull out because it is not worth it .
14 But when we read a page of powerful writing , we see immediately that it is not clever and has nothing to do with fanciness or obscurity .
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