Example sentences of "[vb base] [adv] [pron] [vb base] [verb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 They say well we 've offered you three blocks and you 've turned them all down and you say well yes but you 've offered us blocks not not
2 If we if they were n't as quick as you are like that working that out what you could try is say well I 've given them one each there 's the four people one two three four right you 've all got a whole one so you can start eating that while I sort out how I 'm gon na share this out .
3 In case I forget where I 've put it .
4 Hold on I 've got it all caught .
5 Oh hold on I 've got it .
6 Ah look where you 've put it , poor doggy !
7 you know now you 've given me a let out .
8 ‘ Well I hope you 'll look out for yourself and remember how we 've brought you up ’ , Grace warned .
9 Right , well remember where you 've left it then , so that when you want your drink you know where to look .
10 cost and what not , and then you know when we 've decided I mean I 'm not particularly bothered whether
11 And as Joe was saying , he said , all we do is just go back to them and just try and say well look you know when you come to see us again do you want to accept this or regret it on the basis that you 're going to strike , but all the other section in the company 's accepted that .
12 Okay , so what we 're looking at over these two days and what in order for you to be able to say yes we 've achieved the objectives er by tomorrow is how to use that time that we have to prepare to the most er efficient and effective so that e the preparation you know when you 've prepared it that yes when I stand up to speak I 'm gon na be able to put these points over effectively and make the presentation memorable .
13 It 's a bit of a bummer really but you know when you 've got it on and you 're talking , cos I was telling jokes and you get carried away and you start thinking wah and you start telling all the jokes and everything there 's a , a lot of swearing on this tape , a lot of swearing , a lot of swearing .
14 I 've got it on me blooming mind , you know when you keep singing it ?
15 ‘ I think you know why I wish to see you .
16 You know where I 've put you know down the bottom end of the garden , th that little bit of digging ?
17 You know where I have heard it from , it 's from work , because er they do , they do lengths and stuff and
18 So you know again I tend to hit it downwards you see , but a lot of players do n't even er lot of players play their rolls like that .
19 feel like I 've accepted it , I 've come to terms with it , there 's nothing I can do about it
20 Oh go on I 've said it once so I 'll do it again .
21 I do n't know whether I have or not , yes I think perhaps I have seen it
22 Mark whenever you start drag him off into the cupboard
23 And for the women you know I mean it 's i in a situation you probably I do n't know you know this comment that , Oh my my wife 's gon na nag me back to work , or whatever that was made in the beginning probably could be that the women were saying , Oh my God you know we ca n't afford to have you on strike just accept it you know just I 'm definitely not I think really they have felt they have really changed fund fundamentally they 've found a self confidence that they can say no you know it 's not good enough .
24 Erm , I think I will give up being Chair this time , I 've done it too long , too long , and I 've had it John as Co-Chair during the year and I hope that he 'll be able to carry on as , as Chair Person , I think really I 've done it , done it for long enough erm , and we 'll have to ask , we hope , we hope the Treasurer just taken over will carry on
25 I think now I remember hearing you saying
26 lots of people think well I 've got them to school that 's it then no more children
27 I think sometimes they do tell you a lot but er y'know generally speaking they 're like looking for items that strongly distinguish .
28 Aye , I 've not I 've got them here , I left them
29 So I do n't think I 've ever I 've had it for about eight months now and I do n't think I 've yet listened to all five in a row without changing it .
30 If people want to kill themselves , that 's their affair , but when they come here I want to give them food which will do them food rather than harm .
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