Example sentences of "[vb base] [adv] [pron] [verb] [adv] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Oh why is it every time I sit somewhere he 's always got to sit somewhere near me .
2 You know so I mean so I 've never had a , it 's been a bad experience for me , not a good one .
3 Or you could take a bit of a short cut say well we 've already got twelve there thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen and so on .
4 I 've do It 's like it 's like practising for football I mean you might be the best footballer in the world and you say you know they say well you 've just won the cup say
5 Well when I say again he had n't touched it .
6 I , I compare test matches to more like the chess game you know it 's slower and you sort of you know whatever but these are people who would , did not to test games you know they did n't sort of say okay we 've now met this Pack a Ball thing where you know and everything else .
7 Hold on I have n't tested yet .
8 Because you want the right size join what you put in they had n't got any , no more of these
9 I goes , ‘ 4×4 , C'm on you 've all read the book — read it , it 's coming out their ears — I goes , let's examine the character of the Witch .
10 would Apart As far as the levels are concerned I 'd check them again in Septem Erm no hang on we 've just checked them .
11 Hang on hang on you 've just written a quarter you said four twelfths .
12 When they get hold of me twice in the one day you say hang on I 've just given to you the bus !
13 Sometimes in our praying re , concerning the Holy Spirit , we say , we ask God to give , but God says hang on I 've already given !
14 Oh hang on I have n't given you one yet Chris , hang on .
15 They 're going to keep being first all the time and you 'll be thinking , Hang on hang on I have n't worked that out .
16 I know well I have n't got much commonsense
17 If you needed a non-urgent operation say a hip replacement or something , and you did n't want to go into your own savings er you know then you 've obviously given away part of your assets .
18 Oh , you know when you 've just had your tea , you like to sit down ?
19 Now we know why we have n't seen it .
20 Make out we have n't seen him , ’ Otley said as he pretended to be searching for something in the grass .
21 I feel like I 've only played
22 I suppose now we 've either got to cut through the next side street we come to and try to get to the main road , or turn round and find the canteen and start again . ’
23 I can imagine there 'll be one or two unhappy people if they find out I 've even taken you walkies let alone tried to help you plug the blueness into reality .
24 We shall see as we continue how they have repeatedly emerged in later discussion .
25 I never understand why they have n't tried acting .
26 Yeah go on I 've already done it once .
27 If I turn over I 've also got my eleven scient file , the group that I teach er science to .
28 Only a minority of people move in retirement — most stay where they have always lived .
29 Erm I mean maybe they have n't had very much , but erm but in , in a sense there 's a sort of huge commitment on their part to that , because they actually , I remember some chap came over to do the talk and I think he 's got four kids and he said , well you know , I did n't know how my kids were going to react to people fine you know
30 Cos I think now we have n't heard from Mr and I think that means he 's not prepared to take it so he 's not bothered about coming .
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