Example sentences of "[vb base] [pron] should [verb] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Bookmakers say they should handle the betting tax rebate as the money comes from their betting shops .
2 If your circumstances change you should let the council know .
3 Consider who should see the witness — you , a junior staff member or a reputable enquiry agent .
4 The exhibition stand itself should have a number of elements .
5 I know I should give a month 's notice but I 've got some leave due ; you can take that instead . ’
6 ‘ I suppose I should expect a remark like that from you , but nevertheless — ’
7 Market one should make a market test after the prototype has been developed in order to study the need beyond that implied in the original concept
8 The qualification to motion one six six is that the C E C believe we should prepare a paper on relationship between Apex Partnership and all other sections of the Union , not just the public services section .
9 ‘ This thing 's taken so many damn twists and turns … that I just believe we should question every angle .
10 But when there is a conflict between the Bible and either tradition or the assumption of theology I believe we should assert the supremacy of the written Word if for no other reason than that our Lord adopted precisely this approach with respect to the Old Testament .
11 ‘ I believe we should take the risk seriously , ’ he pronounced .
12 You reckon we should ring the day on the calendar ? ’
13 I reckon we should put a halt on this bloody hundred thousands do n't you ?
14 I feel we should stress the peace that that we 're given .
15 ‘ I feel we should open a home for displaced animals . ’
16 If we could answer these , I feel we should know a lot more than we do about the earliest history of the place and the way it has grown .
17 As a result we all feel we should have a say in its appearance , but as yet we have no right to be heard .
18 ‘ Andrea and myself , as a working-class woman and a Black woman , come from those groups , and feel we should have the chance to express our ideas as much as anyone else . ’
19 Screen pundit Jimmy Greaves fumed : ‘ I reckon they should keep the football results and drop News at Ten . ’
20 As far as their disabilities allow they should have the opportunity to participate in normal community activities .
21 Councillors say while it appears the situation is a fait accompli , they feel they should take every opportunity to save the home .
22 ‘ I feel he should have the chance to sort things out with the Accounts Commission before we discuss anything . ’
23 ‘ I think everyone should have a donor card because , when your life has gone , you could save someone else 's .
24 She says I think everyone should have the freedom to be able to travel as and when they choose , not just the people lucky enough to be able to afford a car .
25 I think everyone should have the freedom to be able to travel as and when they choose — not just the people who are lucky enough to be able to afford a car
26 SO YOU THINK someone should make a film about your life ?
27 So you still think someone should make a film about your life ?
28 ‘ I think I should have a talk to Mary , she 's got so many problems with her marriage . ’
29 ‘ I think I should like a change , ’ she said slowly after a moment .
30 If that goes up I would say it is highly probable — in fact think I should use the word inevitable — that both the thermal plume and the temporarily quiescent earthquake zone along the tectonic fault would be reactivated .
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