Example sentences of "[vb base] [pron] a [noun] [conj] you " in BNC.

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1 Send him a wire as you leave town .
2 But if ever there is a chance , send us a sign that you are free and have made a place .
3 You forget we 've got spies , all the staff on this ward tell Jim exactly what you 've been doing er , that 's , that 's how he knew you got your hair done , can we have five pounds , she 's just had her hair permed , the day before he 's just coming in and , no they sent to the ward can we have five pounds please your mum 's been out for the day and she 's had her lunch out you cost him a fortune and you say you 've never been anywhere
4 The psychological power is eroded because although the community can still disapprove of you and make you an outcast if you defy the hierarchy , beyond the community is the world of English people — an unfriendly world , but it does exist .
5 Right ah can we connect again with a couple of people we we coming up there if anybody out there er is a fan of Mary Whitehouse 's as I am give me a call and you know you know who I 'm talking to ring now .
6 give me a shout before you disappear .
7 ‘ Just give me a shout if you want any more . ’
8 Anyway , give me a shout if you want me .
9 Give me a shout when you 're finished and we 'll have coffee . ’
10 Give me a definition if you can remember one .
11 ‘ Well , give me a ring when you 're up in London , or rather before — when you 're better , that is .
12 He come in Saturday , not that he , we 've heard all that before , said that you can get give it a good wash and squeeze it back , that I ca n't put one on now , give me a ring when you 're done
13 Give me a ring if you want to discuss the proposal .
14 I gazed at the picture of the crocodile pool and all I could think of to say was , did the gallery owner give you a discount because you 're a friend of Robert 's ?
15 because if I might say so disabled people were treated oddly in those days , they are not er , erm people I think were a bit er diffident about making contact with them and erm , a lot of people would n't erm , you know , give you a hand if you were
16 I give you a number and you give me some other numbers that are tied up with it in some way .
17 give it a mix if you do n't mind .
18 Give us at call or drop us a line if you can say : ‘ I was there ! ’
19 Give us a call if you know him , please .
20 So er give us a call if you 're there .
21 Well give us a yell if you want er if you want a drink or anything .
22 Give us a ring when you 're not doing nowt
23 Well you give us a ring when you wan na come , I mean
24 Give us a ring if you want it .
25 Just give us a shout when you want us to move into the dining-room . ’
26 Give us a shout if you need anything , ’ she says as she goes , with a smile altogether too knowing for my taste .
27 Give us a shout if you want some . ’
28 At school they encourage you to get yourself a trade — ‘ Get yourself a trade and you ca n't go wrong , ’ they say .
29 ‘ Chignell , you will collect Miss O'Brien 's luggage and find her a porter before you do anything else , ’ said the autocrat ; and then the train slowed down .
30 On the criteria we 've been talking about today , so find yourself a partner that you have n't worked with today somebody erm if you go in the same group that Kathy 's in because then if it comes up to four o'clock Kathy wants to go then you can be the other partner you 've got half an hour to put on one sheet of paper clearly and concisely what we 've done on communications .
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