Example sentences of "[vb base] [pron] be [verb] [prep] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 I mean I 'm speaking of someone whose work is of a different kind , and they do tend to be labelled probably because they seem to be around a lot , and obviously have some political influence on the area .
2 Er and in the South Midlands ' section , I think it is erm towards Coventry and Nuneaton , we have got erm I can even remember the name of the Guild it 's we 've got a lot of younger women in there and these are younger women that , it 's very , I 'm very pleased to see them and when you see them go to the rostrum you can , you know they really are , they seem as if they 're a revival of the old camp because we , we 've got to campaign you see and but you , you try , I mean I 'm getting beyond it really myself and yet you see , you try and whip up erm an aging movement it you , you want younger women you see .
3 Oh dear you see what I mean I 'm walking on your heels .
4 Friends and colleagues say she was motivated by what she saw as cruelty in the meat trade .
5 Because say you 're living with us , that does affect us .
6 getting , what do you call it say you been talking about me you know .
7 After several years doing the rounds of St Vincent Place she was spotted as someone with an aptitude for the executive floor .
8 Although 46 per cent of district purchasers report they are cooperating with their CHC on issues of quality , only 0.9 per cent included medical audit ( Appleby et al.
9 They say they 're speaking for everyone , but they 're not .
10 The dead girls parents say they 're disgusted by his comments .
11 Senior security sources say they are hampered in their investigations because several of those involved are thought to live across the border outside their jurisdiction .
12 Negro slaves brought okra seeds ( some say they were smuggled in their hair ! ) , which they called gumbo , and they introduced slow-cooked African stews .
13 If A Song to David , in which he attempted a new and regular form of the ode , was written on an upswing of creativity at the beginning of a psychotic episode , and the psalms translation made during convalescence afterwards , Jubilate Agno is particularly important because its internal dates strongly suggest it was composed during his confinement , and from day to day of his illness , during the period 27 July to 30 January 1763 , just before his release .
14 I expect he 's counted on it .
15 ‘ Your brother Ludo — you say he 's staying with them ?
16 He is not a man who courts company , often cutting a solitary and somewhat broody figure , but colleagues say he was frustrated by his lack of opportunities with England in the winter and , more recently , by his inability to build big innings for Middlesex .
17 I only say what is expected of me — ‘
18 Often a woman reads them because they supply what 's lacking in her relationship ; she does n't yearn just for sex , or even for love — she also needs romance .
19 I mean somebody 's talking to you about something different .
20 Please let me be remembered by something more adequate , less apologetic than the plaque , brown , one foot by two , up there on the wall by the Euston Road exit at King 's Cross : ‘ In Memory Of/The Thirty One People/Who Lost Their Lives/In The King 's Cross/Underground Fire Of/18th November 1987 . ’
21 ‘ I imagine she is turning in her grave ! ’
22 He said he just wanted to know she was safe and well , and added : ‘ I hope she is staying with someone to have a bit of breathing space .
23 I hope you are looking after yourselves , and that 's and 's exams are going well , and also 's return to work .
24 " Hope you 're going to it here . "
25 So I said well I hope you 're working on it
26 Because I do n't know , I do n't know where , where South Africa is getting to , I hope they 're going to something stronger
27 He hands me a brown manila file , and a handwritten invoice which I imagine he is giving to me now while the connection between the reams of faxes and the many noughts , in local shillings , of his invoice is still fresh .
28 IF anyone in the Government has a conscience , I hope it was pricked by your terribly moving picture of Belinda Giles asking Santa to keep open London 's St Bartholomew 's Hospital , where she is being treated for cancer .
29 You know I always let myself be advised by you , and of course I 'll bow to your judgement on this if I have to …
30 'Cos you 're on the dole , as soon as your money comes — I mean you 're prayin' for your money to come — as soon as it comes it goes .
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