Example sentences of "[vb base] [pron] [vb base] [pron] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Well the only people that I actually need to write to are managers or agents and I mean I give them a print out of what I do every day
2 Now I 'm I mean I give you an example .
3 The only reason we suggest you vary it a bit is to prevent boredom .
4 erm she said send her send her a mail something like that yeah so I went to the ticket desk , it was locked up and they 'd just come walking back and I thought ah I hope she 's not been waiting around .
5 When they stop I give them a clap , but no one else does .
6 I know I owe you an apology . ’
7 I know you call me a ghost , but flesh and blood must breathe ! ’
8 And you sing chorus so you know they give you a song sheet and you sing then .
9 ‘ By the way , ’ Aranyos was continuing , so completely in his usual languid manner that Karelius could have been imagining things , ‘ I suppose I owe you an explanation about Louise Müller .
10 Suppose I give you a partition , you construct the corresponding e.r.
11 ‘ Okay , ’ said Nerina , ‘ but I guess I owe you a favour , all the same .
12 So I guess I owe you an apology , ’ he said ruefully , ‘ although when you walked in through the kitchen door , all dressed up to the nines after being with Ryan , I wanted anything but to forgive you . ’
13 ‘ I guess I owe you an apology , Sister . ’
14 So I suppose what you do with Debs is er tell them you want the whole discount and I suppose they give you a card for each floor cos you ca n't walk around with it each floor can you ?
15 Sure Ji he came in looking for Jim one morning and Jim was n't there , says he 's in bed so listen I said do you wan na go up and waken him like fuck Jim says when Acky woke me I said what you mean he give you a kiss and he woke you up .
16 No I think I know what a rose smells like .
17 after seventeen years in the business I think I know what an almond looks like
18 I think I read you a chapter of er the the Bears ' Picnic .
19 Well I think I need I think I need something a bit stronger that all these three .
20 . I think you know what a washing machine
21 Erm , when she imagines that er I think you pronounce it a Gytrash ?
22 " I think you owe me an explanation , young man , " Katherine snapped , looking at her son over the rim of her wire-framed glasses .
23 ‘ I think you owe me an explanation , Silas . ’
24 And I presume you know what a soup kitchen was like .
25 Firstly what 's a will , we all think we know what a will is .
26 Nor did we have a talk beforehand because he was on the stage doing a turn with somebody else — I think they call it a warm-up .
27 Yeah , it 's pretty good but erm the older ones think they run it a bit !
28 Robbie would have liked to sit down too and have somebody make her a drink .
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