Example sentences of "[vb base] [pron] [modal v] [verb] [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Erm I mean I should think you want to take some shorts in case it 's warm do you .
2 I mean I must admit I 've looked at some other flats .
3 No I 'd just be , I mean I must admit I 've , I 've not really seen one for years and years and years .
4 I mean I must say it looks a bit bitty but erm er now you see up there they 've got the same , similar sort of style really to those houses .
5 in some ways to though , I mean I can understand I think people , some people
6 I mean I could do I think they 're fascinating and important — but I would prefer instead actually to talk about Darwinism Darwin as a biologist , rather than Darwin as a philosopher or as a influencer of morals and religious beliefs and so on .
7 ‘ You mean I could use them to help in the search ? ’
8 ‘ I expect I can make him understand , ’ she replied .
9 I expect you 'd like me to disappear now ? ’ she suggested , hovering on the threshold of the main cabin .
10 Trust me when I say you should have nothing to do with such drivel — make like a tree and leave it .
11 I I 'm I say you must excuse me going on at such a pace but I 've got A I 've got another meeting quite shortly and B you 've got some little mo I think M Michael 's looking to take over .
12 But they say you must leave it running for two days .
13 ‘ We 'll wander back , ’ he said as he picked up the blanket and baskets , ‘ expect we 'll meet 'em coming back . ’
14 In the end , I expect they 'll make her read the news .
15 They say it would allow them to provide the extra accomodation needed to house all their 300 undergraduates and are prepared to spend £5million buying and converting the building .
16 People who believe in the ancient chinese art of Chi-Dynamics say it 'll make you feel on top of the world .
17 They say it will force them to grow crops that are n't needed simply because they ca n't burn the waste from more useful crops .
18 ‘ I hope I shall hear you play again . ’
19 Cause I can remember him saying before he used to drive round to spy .
20 If you imagine you can use me to remind Mademoiselle Rabier of what she 's missing by paying attention to her friend Bernard then you can think again ! ’
21 One day I hope you 'll let me buy you a slap .
22 It 's so embarrassing — I really hope you can help me find something to solve my problem .
23 I hope you can help I have spent hours with Memax etc trying to understand this .
24 I hope you will allow him to listen to our conversation . ’
25 I hope you will allow me to remain somewhat sceptical about these vague reassurances which remind me of those that were regular given during the 1980s ( prior to publication of the Environment White Paper ) although it was evident that no rigorous assessment was ever made of the environmental effects of development .
26 I hope you will join us to help maintain the important link between British Forces and their families .
27 In the next few months there will be opportunities for discussion across the Region on community care issues and I hope you will let us have your views .
28 If there is any issue you would like us to put to the Public Opinion test please let the editor know .
29 Hope we 'll get it organized as quick as we can .
30 ‘ I hope we 'll allow her to make her own mistakes , ’ says Kathie .
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