Example sentences of "[vb base] [pron] [be] [adv] [verb] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 But I 've been on an immense number of statutory instruments upstairs er and everybody says they 're greatly needed , they usually say they 're greatly needed because they want to go out in three or four minutes and ten thirty comes and ten thirty five they 're out .
2 Serbs say they are well treated but the ITN crew saw sick and emaciated men , many too scared to talk
3 And 6 per cent — mostly elderly — say they are totally baffled and can not use their recorders at all .
4 What we see today are mere shadows of their former selves and I shall be discussing later a number of these — Hull Fair which is now purely a funfair , the revived Masham Sheep Fair , the dying horse fairs at Lee Gap and Boroughbridge , and Yarm which is still proclaimed and has its high street occupied at one end by the showmen and the other by the gipsies .
5 The inner edge of a curtain or blind which is often bound or bordered .
6 ‘ I hope you are so humiliated that you commit suicide . ’
7 I just hope he 's better looking than this . ’
8 We are still negotiating , but let it be perfectly clear that we shall not accept a text that involves such a commitment .
9 Come on look at her yeah , she 's got a really good figure , she 's not ugly she 's got a good er I mean she 's really tanned and that , they like that and she 's really cocky is n't she and she wo n't take any shit from anyone
10 Ormanroyd he 's still going and still the shot blocked Agnew has his shot blocked as well .
11 No , I know I was just thinking if I could ring him up now .
12 you know I 'm still struggling and we were having a laugh , but the others who had him last term , said he was brilliant , because he actually combines work individually
13 Tanay himself was officially dismissed as Defence Minister on March 6 and was replaced by Maj.-Gen.
14 But she was er she was like a broody hen with us you know she was forever watching and looking and making sure we were alright .
15 When there is the experience of acceptance like this within a marriage , when you know you are truly loved and accepted , then there is the possibility of change and growth .
16 Erm I know it 's easier said than done sometimes but er it has to be your decision because even if you went ahead and were confirmed , we were tal talking about the idea of sometimes parents bring pressure on them on you to go ahead and do it and be confirmed , erm when perhaps you 're not do n't feel ready for it and it takes a lot of courage to stand up and say No I 'm not ready .
17 ‘ I know it 's easier said than done , but if Liverpool can get one or two more players , I think we 'll be right up there .
18 You know it was once said that the front page of newspapers record man 's failures … the back page man 's achievements … well this year hopefully we recorded the enjoyment that the challenge of sport brings to all … here 's a re-run of the some of the best bits of ninety two … no words from me just the pictures
19 I mean no disrespect to the geriatric branch of the hospital service nor to the domiciliary services or the rapidly increasing old people 's houses and homes provided by local housing , health and welfare authorities when I say that I believe we are still groping and fumbling with this problem — all of us , social scientists and politicians alike .
20 I always reckon it 's tremendously flattering that viewers want to talk to you when they meet you in the street .
21 President , Congress , the C E C does not lightly bring forward a motion which limits the right of appeal , but in these very special circumstances we feel it is both justified and necessary .
22 ‘ You mean they were probably lying or coming over romantic about the past , and , what 's more , all those old poets were probably doing the same thing .
23 I think I am only saying that anyone who has followed the history of this controversy over the last twenty years will already see reason to think that the friction produced by quarrelling among good causes is enormous and it is a luxury that we simply can not afford .
24 I think I was probably screaming as well , but if I was I did n't yell anything memorable .
25 I think I was so detached when I first had her because of the mental blockage , and the labour , and the birth was so messy and horrible .
26 I think she 's right saying that er er watch that off
27 ‘ I think you are both forgetting that the Pitts died by poison , ’ said Coffin .
28 Well , er , what do you suppose , I think we 're probably try and so that 's possible , I mean
29 In Highgate our family had seemed fairly normal , but in St. Albans I think we were definitely regarded as eccentric .
30 So I think there was more give and take between our performing than any other relationship .
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