Example sentences of "[vb base] [pron] [adj] that [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 If the blood tests show anything specific that we need to get back to you on , we will contact you directly .
2 I take all that you have and it 's place and in it 's place I give you all that I have and all that I am .
3 It 's not the police-who move him on regularly , arrest him occasionally- that he loathes so much : it is the public .
4 Nevertheless I consider it essential that we try and reach an agreement or at least an understanding before the report is considered by the Finance Committee .
5 ‘ Will it help you if I tell you first that I love you , ’ he whispered , ‘ that I adore you with all my heart ? ’
6 I find it refreshing that you do n't talk in the same artsy , pretentious way as some of my sister 's friends — and my friends too , if I 'm honest .
7 I know that the hon. Member has shown considerable interest in the case that is the subject of the debate , although I find it surprising that he has chosen to raise the matter in this way .
8 I find it galling that they seem to keep looking for jam today .
9 I find it shameful that you try to promote the measure which does n't even begin to address the basic problem of housing .
10 But I even find it frightening that he did n't do anything .
11 ‘ I find it interesting that we have produced more players of other colours in rugby than they have in our cricket .
12 I find it incredible that you reprint without comment an item on compulsory AIDS testing in Cuba ( Briefly NI 198 ) .
13 ‘ I still find it incredible that I do this at all , ’ Fruitbat admits at one point .
14 You can take over other people 's classifications ( Margaret Peters suggests some interesting ones in her work ) or devise your own that you feel comfortable with .
15 When we make it obvious that we expect the worst from people , the worst is usually what we get .
16 These distinctions make it important that we do not confuse , as is often done in the linguistic and philosophical literature , the categories of addressee and hearer .
17 Those housewives who ‘ do n't mind ’ ironing make it clear that they dislike the task itself , yet have found conditions under which it becomes bearable .
18 So , for example if somebody does reject a young man in a way that erm is n't appropriate in his eyes , he might then go around and start calling her all sorts of names and generally making other men think of her in bad way , and of course no eighteen year old woman wants young men to think badly of her , and so she puts pressure on herself not to reject advances too openly or too obviously or something like that , and the whole cycle starts again , and so and I think this is the sort of thing the college just can not have anything to do with , because that really is going too far , that 's interfering with the the one thing we could do , perhaps , is talk to the young women and make it clear that they do have the right to reject advances and that what they 've got to be concerned about whilst they 're at university is they 're academic career and making sure that that is n't affected by harassment .
19 They could feel angry , embarrassed and even guilty because of the comments of over-anxious parents who keep hinting about their longing for grandchildren , or make it clear that they think there should be no more .
20 While Bantock , Holbrook , Inglis and those English teachers who support the ‘ élitists ’ , recommend the employment of stimuli drawn exclusively from the music , painting and literature of high art , and make it clear that they view creativity partly as a way back into appreciation , a radical teacher like Searle rejects this culture completely .
21 For the record , I make it clear that I cast no smear or slur on the Minister for Housing and Planning , I simply commented on what has been widely publicised .
22 Make it clear that you intend to co-operate , but do it your way .
23 If there are possible problems and conditions that make the company worried about how a partner will cope make it clear that you know what they are and that they are not problems to you .
24 ‘ A paragraph or two would do it , make it clear that you 've been unfairly treated .
25 Make it clear that you have taken in details by phrasing questions along the lines of , ‘ I 've looked at your educational record which seems excellent but could you perhaps tell me why you did not pass maths until two years after your other 0 levels/changed schools halfway through A levels/took a year off while doing your degree ? ’
26 The ITC guidelines make it clear that it does n't see ‘ sanitised ’ violence as innocuous and Ferman expresses greater concern about Lethal Weapon 2 than Reservoir Dogs .
27 Heads who are asked where that combination took its origin in their individual histories make it clear that it did not come from training .
28 She would cook them all a good breakfast and make it clear that she expected them to be at the table on time .
29 They turned him down on ‘ security grounds ’ ; a lot of the Surinamese living in Holland make it plain that they do not like him at all .
30 The demands of multi-site projects such as the EC-funded Rhododendron project , and the Darwin Initiative , make it imperative that we install these systems as soon as funds are available .
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