Example sentences of "[vb base] [pron] [verb] me [vb infin] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Half Well let me let me finish the the quote because Well there are but but but but Well alright but but Peter Lilley is saying , is suggesting in a in a speech at a party conference that half the population of continental Europe are scroungers .
2 Let me let me cite a commercial organization which , to give you an idea , I know you 're not commercial in that particular sense , of what we 're talking about .
3 And ou and going back to Mr Heselton , he has said i , I 've got a negative factor for him at the moment in terms of minus eight fifty , but let let me let me take the figure which is actually quoted in the County Council 's table of nine fifty dwellings .
4 I board the plane feeling no pain , eat the evening meal and continue with the G&T theme , land in Gatwick and make the connection via the smoking area of the bar and another gulped Gordon 's , then pass on the second offered dinner but not the accompanying booze and quietly pass out somewhere over the West Midlands , to be woken by a dishy blonde with an impudent , dimpled smile and we 're here we 've landed we 've arrived , we 're on the stand at the airport and I 'd ask her what she 's doing later because I 'm drunk enough to not care when she says ‘ No ’ as she probably will , but I know I 'm too tired and besides my left eyelid 's stuck again and I suspect it makes me look a bit like Quasimodo , so I do n't say anything except , ‘ Uh , thanks , ’ which is cool or sad , I 'm not sure which .
5 You can either draw it model it made me draw the last one I 'll model it this time , it 's good fun !
6 I use them to help me make a record , to make the band sound tighter than they would do otherwise .
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