Example sentences of "[vb base] [pron] [verb] down [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ That 's the easiest way of getting your firewood — cut the trees at the edge of the forest and send them rolling down to the bottom .
2 You simply squeeze Colourfun Image Maker over a picture they like , place it face down on the garment and roll with a rolling pin .
3 If he was the Christ , the King of Israel , then let him come down from the cross and convince people .
4 If you putt the ball , you can hit it firmly to the top of the bank and simply let it roll down to the hole .
5 How stop myself swinging down through the branches to help unload her little car ?
6 Miles met them , and clasping Joseph 's hand , said , ‘ Come ; let us sit down by the fire and talk this matter over ’ .
7 When they were long enough , he intended to curl them and allow them to extend down at the sides of his mouth .
8 I reckon we got down from The Bells , Chell 's Field , to the bottom of , six , seven minutes .
9 Meantime , he reminded himself , since the entire company was now assembled , he had better be about sending off Father Boniface 's errand-boy to find Aldhelm at Upton among his sheep , and ask him to come down to the abbey when his work for the day was over , and pick out his shadowy Benedictine from among a number now complete .
10 Do I go down through the garden ?
11 Approaching Keld I dropped down into the dale where Great Sleddale Beck falls over a succession of stairs , hard bands of limestone that have resisted the action of the water to form an impressive series of falls all of which are within a mile or so of Keld village .
12 Do you go down to the baths every night ?
13 So I think he went down to the stews and bawdy houses along the river .
14 I think it boils down to the fact that it 's fairly economic to transport vast quantities of people but not to transport from the outer edges and the odd bits in the middle and there 's no way that they 're going to get a full and comprehensive service come what may .
15 There was a market down the centre , the stalls facing out , but the air and ground were polluted with the blood , dirt and ordure which ran down from the shambles where the animals were slaughtered and the gore allowed to find its own channel .
16 Or , better , have them weighted down under the surface , so that even at low tide these shallow boats can pass over them , but deep-draught ships can not .
17 Have we reached down to the true bedrock of human life , at which sex differences are revealed as artificial and insignificant , so that we no longer need a tribal division ?
18 Perhaps you can make another batch when we see him coming down from the moor-edge , ’ she suggested to her mother .
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