Example sentences of "[vb base] [pron] [verb] in [det] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 We wish to congratulate and encourage you for this humanitarian act , so praiseworthy , and urge you to persevere in this work of salvation .
2 We say it goes in that direction because that is the direction he is pushing it .
3 This darkness and this cloud is betwixt thee and thy God , and telleth thee that thou mayest neither see him clearly by light of understanding , nor feel him in sweetness of love in thine affection , and therefore shape thee to bide in this darkness as long as thou mayest , crying after him that thou lovest …
4 I never let anyone ride in that web . ’
5 Let us look in more detail at the difficulties inherent for everyone in appropriate penetration and then at the problems that can arise in marriage when these are or an extreme nature .
6 Now let us look in more detail at switches 1 to 4 .
7 With these two levels of culture within higher education having been distinguished , let us look in more detail at them .
8 Let us look in more detail at the direct vs indirect argument , first in relation to incentives to work and second in relation to incentives to save and take risks .
9 Let us look in more detail at the intermediate stages of the sequence .
10 Our results confirm those of Wu and Wilcox ( 27 ) and extend them to identify in more detail the sites that are bound by the VZV 140k DNA binding domain .
11 If you only make one claim in any period of insurance any no claim bonus which you have earned may be reduced at your next renewal , as follows :
12 If you only make one claim in any period of insurance any no claim bonus which you have earned may be reduced at your next renewal , as follows :
13 If you only make one claim in any period of insurance any no claim bonus which you have earned may be reduced at your next renewal , as follows :
14 If you only make one claim in any period of insurance any no claim bonus which you have earned may be reduced at your next renewal , as follows :
15 The Medau Society , together with many other organisations , contributes to the rich diversity and high standards of movement and dance we enjoy in this country .
16 No chance of getting any laundry done unless we meet some tribe of washerwomen waiting for custom outside one of those zinc shacks like we saw in that village in Provence do you remember ?
17 Given it up and he said oh well got no kids you know they live in this house , got no kids .
18 Now it is generally observed that most civil servants whatever country they come from make sure that they er give each other pay rises and I know it happens in this country the Civil Service pay pays quite well and it 's certainly a key erm feature in er pay structure in developing countries that if your , if you work for the government you are very very well paid , like government wages can be , you know , four , five , six , ten , twenty times
19 ‘ You know what happens in that yard at night when the drunks get going .
20 Never get anything done in this life if you do n't chance your arm . ’
21 Every sewing scissor I get in this house
22 But then , suppose he found in this Bowl some indication as to how the Society might be handled ?
23 Except that is was for money , I know it was for money but er I do n't know the exact er Because I think I think in that year , we got what we called the Samuel award , that were three shillings a day , basic , you see ?
24 And why do I talk in this way ?
25 Now again , where do I find in any government guidance a suggestion that the fact of the existence of a conservation area is directly relevant to the determination of whether or not land performs one of those five purposes ?
26 I think you cheat in that game .
27 What do you do in that situation ?
28 How do you feel in this place ?
29 What time do you start in that place ?
30 Dear Harsnet , he wrote , why do you persist in this rigmarole of refusing even to acknowledge my existence ?
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