Example sentences of "[vb base] [pron] [verb] [prep] be [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Having cre , credit by David 's withering look I always say you have to be terrified !
2 So that as you sell the the slots , first of all you want you want to be able to point out where which the slot is when you 've er er finally sign the contract .
3 Because he he want he wanted to be married at nine o'clock in the morning for a start off .
4 And the fact is I mean nobody seems to be able to stop them .
5 Have a look at some other exhibitions , get ideas , do some costings , and estimate the time span you need to be ready .
6 Tunnard ( 1989 ) makes some excellent suggestions about ways this can be achieved , including : improving ways of providing emergency protection for children at times of crisis by drawing upon the support of the extended family and local community ; involving parents in decision making , providing parents ' representatives and encouraging the development of local support groups ; improving what happens after separation by offering children and families choices about what can be done , and ensuring contact is promoted and maintained ; dealing with sexual abuse cases in ways that help non-abusing parents to avoid taking a defensive position and that give them the resources and support they need to be able to protect their children .
7 It is better described as a full day 's expedition , and those who undertake it need to be well-provisioned and should allow ample time to see the many natural attractions along the way .
8 ‘ You mean you want to be alone with me as much as I want to be alone with you ? ’ he enquired .
9 If we photograph what seem to be plain flowers with film that is sensitive to ultraviolet light , we can see many more such markings on the petals .
10 And I mean one had to be grateful because she was much more concerned about whether I 'd hurt myself falling off the ladder than her wardrobe .
11 Like I have to be sure of him .
12 We 've talked about this so often : you know I want to be supportive , but I also have to do my job properly .
13 Also taking that view was Dr Tony Andrews of the Royal Veterinary College in London , who said : ‘ I know I have to be careful in what I say but in my view , the management in many herds as far as feeding regimes are concerned is little better than controlled starvation . ’
14 He relaxed the convulsive pressure of his teeth cautiously , and drew breath deeply before he resumed with arduous reasonableness : ‘ Is that really necessary , in a case like this , I know you have to be thorough , but the distress to the parents …
15 ‘ You understand I have to be careful , ’ replied the Bookman .
16 yes , oh yes , and erm , going back to somebody asked me earlier , erm , about how it , I feel I have to be able to write about , just about anything , erm , and so if I was given commission to write about any one thing I would have to put myself in a position to , to be able to do it .
17 Until the police arrive I need to be alone . ’
18 I suppose you have to be able to afford all that if you can afford the car in the first place .
19 ‘ How much sailing did you say you 'd done ? ’ he enquired in that soft even tone she knew to be lethal .
20 I suppose we have to be grateful that Mr Akhtar grudgingly refrains from asking us to ban the works of Voltaire , which seems a major concession from him .
21 ‘ I suppose he wanted to be sure , ’ Major Harvey suggested .
22 I believe he wanted to be kind but I did n't go .
23 Though I can run this machine half speed I have to be meticulous with the timing .
24 The moral to be drawn is that if we are to give an account of knowledge which does not include a requirement of certainty , our account should make room for the notion of certainty somewhere ; if it sees certainty as a requirement for a knowledge claim it needs to be able to explain in its own terms why that should be so .
25 Oh Major I bet he wanted to be right from being a kid , wanted to be prime minister .
26 I mean it seems to be available for youngsters but afterwards
27 Where do you come from , Miss Telford — or do I appear to be inquisitive ? ’
28 ‘ What do I need to be good in the morning for , Mom ?
29 Rent which continues to be payable either to the Policyholder or by the Policyholder while the Policyholder 's home is uninhabitable as a result of destruction or damage caused by an insured peril .
30 So I think you need to be clear on what you are going to use them for .
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