Example sentences of "[vb base] [pron] [verb] [verb] [pers pn] [be] " in BNC.

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1 Oh But I mean I get to work I 'm so bloody tired .
2 By rights you know , would you mind moving into Concorde so can have Brunel , I mean I 've got I 'm , I 'd like to say yes I 'll do my move into Concorde broom cupboard
3 yeah , well I was there the other day and erm the bell went and nobody sort of moved and I thought I think , I know , you know , so I got up and I washed me cup of tea like , you know , they looked at me as if you know oh there 's a keen , but I mean I do think it 's important to do that , because not only that it 's not fair for the
4 erm I think I mean I do think it 's a stunt and I think stunts are very often not very well thought out , and I think your your definition is actually wrong .
5 Erm quite a lot you just have to be honest with people and tell I mean we 've got It 's unfortunate we can threaten people if you like , it 's the wrong word to use .
6 Well I told you what she said about her and Sandra you know and I wrote and said when they you know if they felt like coming for a day that 'll be alright I said but do n't be having anything to eat I 'll bring in sandwiches , I mean I , I know I 've said it 's very kind of Sandra to say , but you ca n't , they , way your relatives are coming and bringing sandwiches can ya ?
7 Oh we used to work er f er six days a week , er all day Saturdays erm eight to eight and er eight till eight at n at er eight till seven at night or er or eight till eight at erm most shifts was early , they used to have a a an hour er an hour break of a dinner time er sometimes they only used to have half an hour at night because , I mean well once you 've got er y y you was there , once you get you shift done it was no good sitting there doing for an hour and er it , it varies on what production what was wanted and how far advanced you was or how far behind you was , you know , but er the average hours was as I say was ten hours a shift that was working shift , you worked ten hours and then a break in between , ten minutes , half an hour
8 ‘ I suppose I have to say I 'm a conservative , ’ she admitted .
9 I mean he did say they were stitches that come out er what
10 Just what do you wear to please SHE 's leading sex columnist ?
11 One lady , daughter of the proprietor of Jura said to the Captain — " Captain , do you mean to say you are going to turn us off the only nice place in the steamer and put sheep in it ? "
12 Yeah do you go have you been there often ?
13 Why do you keep saying they 're not ?
14 Why do you seem to feel it 's absolutely imperative to dog my every footstep ? ’
15 He hailed another C2 with relief : ‘ Do you know wheer you 're goin' ? ’
16 They want us to be ourselves and they themselves and to meet as friends … only after some quiet times with a dolphin do we enjoy letting it be in charge of the encounter , and see what it may decide to do next with us . '
17 Yes , I think they tend to say they 're doing it for you .
18 No none of you do now but when he first suggested it everyone was up in arms and he poor old soul I remembered he said , I 've had enough change I I believe in this I I 've I 've tried I 'm too old now and out he walked .
19 Have I phoned to say I 'm coming ?
20 You know have you given have you been able to give business to these people because if you have that 'll help me I understand
21 I daresay he 'd heard I 'm a tough'un ,
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