Example sentences of "[vb base] [noun] [to-vb] [adv] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 Stung , the League said yesterday that they expect ITV to come up with a new date within the next fortnight and they will not tolerate one beyond the scheduled season 's end of May 5 .
2 This is approaching the temperature below which theoreticians expect atoms to fuse together in a new kind of matter .
3 If you want information to go out at a specific time , time it very carefully , and just bung it out , as it were , and , and reckon it 's there at that stage .
4 Ryokan have a lot of potential for the tired traveller and exhausted businessman , for they offer a total experience of the Japanese way of life for the price of room hire , and allow guests to step out of a complicated world of congestion into a dream world of relaxation , simplicity , tranquillity and leisure .
5 These moulded sties allow eggs to roll away through a small hole at the back for automatic collection .
6 Should the United States , it therefore asked , allow Britain to adjust naturally to a lower level of power — defined by some as that of a " comparatively lesser middle state " ?
7 The Solicitors ' Incorporated Practice Rules 1988 ( the Rules ) enable solicitors to incorporate either as a company limited by shares or as an unlimited company .
8 Because we do send people erm er sorry send , we ask people to come on to a training course which we fully expense .
9 To do so , the UK must clear out parts of the spectrum being used by something else , or develop technology to squeeze more into a given piece .
10 Trust Charlie to come up with a long-term interest-free loan .
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