Example sentences of "[det] could be [verb] [prep] be " in BNC.

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1 Also under consideration is a register of type specimens held in E , this could be enhanced to be in the form of stored images on CD , and available for sale ( as an alternative to microfiche ) .
2 If this could be shown to be the case they would have been entitled to a share purchase order from the Court .
3 Furthermore , in whole body calorimetry studies when total H 2 and CH 4 excretion were measured in healthy subjects eating test meals of various fermentable carbohydrates , the amount of excreted H 2 that could be accounted for was much less in non-methanogenic subjects .
4 If these could be found to be overwhelmingly large or small then the results could be of use in the framing of policy .
5 It may be useful for family health services authorities within the zone to take on responsibility for arranging early retirement packages , where these could be shown to be in the interests of the service .
6 In spelling out its arguments for the proposed pattern , the Council was once again reinterpreting the balance that had been at the centre of its concerns from the beginning : there was nothing in the Charter and Statutes ‘ which prevented greater recognition from being given to an institution 's own internal procedures where these could be shown to be rigorous and effective .
7 While all could be said to be right-wing , their sympathies were not identical where other countries were concerned .
8 Although both could be said to be reacting against the ossification of Stalinism , the subjectivist and ultra-objectivist paths that they followed were antithetical .
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