Example sentences of "[det] of the [noun pl] that [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Like if an older band started saying some of the things that we do then they 'd be sexist because they 're older and more respectable .
2 Okay so do you want to run us through some of the things that we have n't really discussed in detail of what we 're gon na talk about in here today , specifically have we , I mean I thought something along the lines of er the nature and extent of sexual variations in English , or any other language you want .
3 Erm so some of the things that we can look at with wind for example of the er you know the power and the the destructive nature of wind , the cooling nature of wind , the refreshing nature of wind , the disturbing nature of wind .
4 But what I 'd like to do before we progress much farther , is just to , just to think , maybe about some of the things that I 've said there , some of the things that we 've already spoken about .
5 So some of the things that we 're going to be looking at this morning is ways for you to use , that the people working with you can come up with some new ideas , but you can also use these ways yourself , because sometimes you do n't have the luxury of people to help you with your problem .
6 I do n't need to erm elaborate much more Okay , the give it , give it a mechanical structure , well that does n't necessarily apply to some of the things that we 've done but it does to other parts and if you 're gon na discuss somebody 's model , think about it in the real world .
7 Over these next few weeks I 'd like us to be looking at some of the interviews that Jesus had with various characters , sometimes with an individual , sometimes with a small group of people , and just to see some of the things that we can learn from them .
8 Tell me some of the things that we do .
9 And I know colleague directors in the country who are green with envy at some of the things that we 've been able to do even in these difficult times .
10 The difficulty is getting them involved again in some of the things that they 're interested in . ’
11 I have used some of the things that he has done as a good example to myself .
12 I get to act out all the horrors and pressures of fame , and some of the things that I worry about in my own life are purged .
13 If you 'd like to take those away with you will actually erm reinforce some of the things that I 'm going to say during the next hour .
14 also some of the things that I 've been going on with , doing this one with three , and I do n't know if it , they 'll stay in the can long enough for that .
15 ‘ I should n't have said some of the things that I did , ’ he muttered .
16 It is perfectly true that some of the things that I am saying today I have said before ; that is because they are true .
17 But what I 'd like to do before we progress much farther , is just to , just to think , maybe about some of the things that I 've said there , some of the things that we 've already spoken about .
18 They 're some of the things that you can think out and er work out you know , that 's , that 's what we 've been trying to do .
19 What are some of the things that you can do when you actually have to deal with these people , particularly remember if you try to achieve influence on a course here , that 's what we 're here for .
20 Some of the things that you probably went through when you padlocked together .
21 But look at the negotiation you did , what were you doing well , what were some of the things that you needed most strength .
22 I 'm going to give you examples of some of the things that you could , if I can find anything to write with , yes , some , some methods that you can use , because there are lots of methods that you can use in problem solving .
23 erm it 's very difficult to spot what 's going to go wrong in advance and some of the things you suspect are dodgy nobody has any trouble with , some of the things that you just did n't occur to you that would go wrong do go wrong , it 's like , mm mm , yeah mm
24 Although some of the things that you were taught you maybe never got a chance to do them in the bakery .
25 erm Professor Ron Dore is going to talk a bit about when education should stop and I suspect will be saying some of the things that you 've already hinted at , and then later on Professor Colin Lacey will be talking about some aspects of teachers and teaching and training of teachers , and I suspect he will have something to say about mobility of teachers and careers of teachers as , as well .
26 Okay , there was a survey carried out by British Telecom , and they asked some of their customers what were the most frustrating things that can happen to you on the telephone , and this was the answer , and some of the things that you 've come up with are here .
27 And there was this awful woman , Mrs so and so , that was always telling women what to do and , she she was n't very popular because some of the things that she suggested that women did to make do and mend were so tedious and time consuming .
28 I ask them to visit some of the communities that I represent , from which industry has disappeared and in which it is not only the person approaching pensionable age who is unemployed and in receipt of social security benefit , but the caring young people in the family who want to do the best for their relatives .
29 However , in some of the cases that he mentioned it appears that there must have been some error , or they would have been dealt with more promptly .
30 I mean , I think it 's terrible and , and I mean , if Mr Lilley himself went into some of the houses that I go into and see the the existence that they live , because that 's all it is , you know , it 's just an existence .
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