Example sentences of "[det] of the [noun] in [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Wattling 's father was in the army , and his mother spent half of the year in Singapore or wherever he happened to be stationed , so his state was even more bereft than Tilney 's , whose parents were divorced but whose father was stationed less than fifty miles away .
2 Clearly , this has played a role , but The Report of the House of Lords Select Committee on Overseas Trade ( HMSO , 1985 , pp. 238–41 ) concluded that the responsibility for at least half of the increase in unemployment since 1979 is laid directly at the Government 's door .
3 In other words , perhaps a little more than half of the variation in liability to develop Crohn 's disease is a consequence of inherited differences between individuals .
4 In 1981 , six of the 280 LLMAs accounted for over half of the people in Britain that had been born in the New Commonwealth or Pakistan ( NCWP ) .
5 Half of the people in Europe spoke English with that accent .
6 Some of the warnings in Roger Bullock 's chapter about faulty use of information are demonstrated in the points made by Martin Knapp about the use of cost information to come to flawed conclusions .
7 Maguire ( 1985 ) investigated the reasons for poor nurse-to-patient communication and gave examples of some of the consequences in relation to diagnoses ; to treatment ; to investigations ; and to potential complications which became actual problems .
8 3 A feature on the use of some of the products in pubs for a catering trade magazine .
9 Some of the change in grassland area is also the result of a downward trend in the area of land under cereals in Cantal ( Table 7 ) which has declined to over half its 1955 area .
10 Some of the tempi in Fauré 's solo piano music — Nocturne No. 4 , Impromptus Nos. 2 & 5 — are rather fast , but always clear and concise .
11 The librarian listed the following as some of the improvements in library use to which the project had contributed : ( 1 ) improved general use in the past year during lesson time , particularly in IS and history ;
12 I was particularly concerned to read your experts ' views that some of the movements in Cindy 's Shape Your Body Workout could strain spinal ligaments and put terrible pressure on knee ligaments .
13 And certainly you know I mean Yona 's list now of support for this next rally we 've got on March the first is huge I mean it 's sort of and that 's not gon na go away is it you know I mean next year I do n't know what we 're gon na be up to but hopefully we 'll be supporting somebody else in their er struggle for fair play and that network will obviously come into play you know I mean I 've we 've been South Wales have said , Oh you know these are all our contacts you know some of the women in South Wales and in Deeside they 've said these are all our contacts and these are the people that were good and did the work and got the leaflets out and brought the money in you know and it 's as simple as that really you know .
14 It was close enough to London , and even closer to some of the Company in person .
15 This applies also to sons , even in situations where they are receiving significant financial or practical support from parents , as was the case for some of the interviewees in McKee 's ( 1987 ) study of unemployed men .
16 The ladies did a marvellous job of feeding the group with their Bar-B-Que - a big thank you ladies - and Russell Mulford was on hand to record some of the work in pictures .
17 ‘ There are eight known cuts it carries out , ’ said Prof John Kay of the University of Wales College of Cardiff , who carried out some of the work in collaboration with Roche .
18 Some of the increase in capital offences was perhaps due to a more precise and less summary handling of the law , which meant that in practice fewer people were executed ; and certainly the more formal use of transportation to the colonies gave the authorities more flexibility in punishing crime .
19 Some of the shopkeepers in Skinnergate and High Row have been angered by the decision to stop deliveries during the peak time .
20 Some of the divisions in ELDO and ESRO stemmed from the classical opposition between scientists set on ‘ pure ’ space research , and those who stressed the need to launch telecommunications and meteorological satellites .
21 Some of the dancing in Requiem was way below this standard yet the ballet still came across as one of MacMillan 's most monumental works .
22 The Committee identified some of the gaps in research as related to inadequate statistical information , particularly in central government .
23 With such a low response , however , it was necessary to select some of the non-respondents in order to find out why they had not completed and returned the questionnaire , and whether their views and experiences of the Oxfordshire scheme differed significantly from those who had responded .
24 Some of the differences in aggressiveness between boys and girls may be due to the fact that parents tend to disapprove more of aggression in girls .
25 This chapter will describe the course of fertility since the First World War , relate its trend to social and economic change , and discuss some of the differences in fertility within British society .
26 The differences in design account for some of the differences in safeguards .
27 The hope must be the available conventions and agreements in the criminal area will prove as successful as the established conventions on civil procedure , and will indeed escape some of the divergences in interpretation which have afflicted the Hague Conventions in recent years .
28 However , these have assimilated some of the developments in computer design which we will discuss later .
29 However , some of the remarks in Mr Malone 's letter cause me some concern .
30 The planning at Brighton revealed some of the unease in relations with the local authority .
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