Example sentences of "[det] of [det] [noun] have [be] " in BNC.

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1 Aldo Ciccolini made six LPs of Satie piano music and about half of these recordings have been re-issued on a ‘ Rouge et Noir ’ set .
2 We have an energy-rich country and a massive trading balance , so why the hell are we importing electricity from France which I believe attracts the nuclear and importing coal from dubious sources and I have been told that some of that coal has been extracted by women and children , often in horrendously unsafe conditions .
3 Some of that deal has been produced as far as the Tornado 's concerned , but again you 're quite right we 're waiting for the announcement of the er orders for the trains .
4 But Brown did not tell Pincher that some of those agents had been betrayed with the knowledge and authority of MI6 , as part of Blake 's supposed role as a double agent , because the government had suppressed that part of the story just as it had Blake 's part in the Berlin tunnel affair .
5 Some of those men have been transferred from other collieries and promised long-term employment .
6 With very gradual familiarisation training spread over many months of flying , some of these students have been completely cured .
7 Some of these products have been shown to induce ET-1 synthesis and release in various cell types .
8 The , the video does actually illustrate the way in which some of these services have been developed , and it includes some comments from people who are actually receiving services .
9 Some of these programmes have been successful and some have not .
10 It is also true that some of these institutions have been run in brutal and insensitive ways , particularly against children given refuge .
11 Some of these topics have been touched on in S1 and S2 but receive a fuller treatment in the Standard Grade course .
12 Although still in pristine condition , some of these clothes have been on hangers or in drawers here since just after the war .
13 Some of these agents have been shown to be more effective than aspirin and/or heparin for the prevention of arterial thrombosis , for the acceleration of arterial recanalisation , and for the prevention of early and delayed reocclusion after reflow .
14 Some of these options have been wildly productive : Margaret Mitchell 's Gone With The Wind and Harper Lee 's To Kill A Mocking Bird exist to this day in relation to broadly faithful films .
15 Some of these groupings have been recognised by the Scottish Universities Council on Entrance .
16 Second , the various ‘ gateways ’ have permitted some agreements to be ratified , and the wisdom of some of these ratifications has been challenged .
17 I was tempted when examining these drawings to propose a hypothesis that some of these artists had been attracted to formalism and minimalism because of its supposed neutrality ; the absent author was , after all , without gender .
18 More recently some of these criticisms have been redressed .
19 Some of these sets have been available through specialist dealers before , others are new .
20 Some of these fears have been forged out of bitter experience .
21 You will see that some of these Objects have been achieved over the years .
22 For good measure , some of these ideas have been worked up into watercolour paintings .
23 Some of these struggles have been inspired by base motives — desires to appropriate art to a national or a political cause .
24 Some of these gains have been quite spectacular ; in Cornwall , for example , there was an increase of 50,000 on a base population of 380,000 ( Robert and Randolph 1983 ) .
25 Although some of these points have been considered , our understanding of colonic function has not increased much and measurements of colonic pressures have not found their way into routine clinical practice ; measurements of transit have a more practical value in selected patients .
26 Some of these clauses have been considered earlier in this chapter .
27 Some of these techniques have been described in this chapter .
28 Some of these techniques have been extended and especially at the University of Birmingham G.R. Coope ( Coope et al . ,
29 As will be seen in Chapter 6 , however , some of these isolates have been responsible for many of the revolutionary advances in scientific knowledge .
30 Recognising factors in sudden infant death is also very important in eliminating ‘ old wives tales ’ about cot death ; some of these superstitions have been the cause of great suffering for the families involved .
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