Example sentences of "[det] of [Wh det] [pron] [be] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Alan , I do n't know half of what you 're talking about — people at work and all that- ’
2 Maxim could n't catch half of what she was saying , but it seemed mostly on his side .
3 ‘ You have to bear in mind the consequences for the German people and some of what you are proposing goes way beyond what is acceptable . ’
4 A person who is wrongly accused will know that he has not done that of which he is suspected , example , and may be indignant at being the object of suspicion .
5 The voice-over device ( their spoken thoughts ) only works intermittently because much of what they are thinking could be spoken .
6 Many will therefore appear relaxed and sleepy but some may not remember much of what they were told pre-operatively and may experience disorientation , alarm , pain or occasionally confusion .
7 Now , much of what they were saying — particularly their insistence that women had a right to control their bodies and therefore a right to family planning — was welcomed by all sides of the population industry .
8 Head : ‘ Much of what we 're discussing is going round the roundabout for the second time .
9 you do n't want to hear too much of what you 're recording anyway do you ?
10 He eyed the boy a moment longer , not certain how much of what he was saying was understood , then gave a small shrug .
11 I am aware that much of what I am saying makes me sound like some ageing Pollyanna who just wants to pretend that all is sweetness and light .
12 About individual differences , much of what I am saying here may not sound too bad , but many people will want to treat sex differences quite otherwise .
13 I did n't know how much of what I was saying he understood .
14 Er and much of what I 'm going to say today in the next twenty minutes i it 's bound in here , so there 's no need to take notes .
15 ‘ The peculiar thing is that Blackbeard seemed ready to murder us for a wallet with a few fivers in it , all of which he was going to give to his bruiser , anyway .
16 But the student who goes to his first lecture without any idea at all of what he is to face is working quite inefficiently .
17 His conversation had the inconsequence that Chekhov gave to his older characters and it was larded with Russian proverbs , many of which he was suspected of having invented himself .
18 just in case there 's any more of what we was giving them .
19 I hate my rotten job and I 'm still not earning enough and I do n't see the kids enough and there are n't enough people like you with enough of whatever it is to change anything .
20 Erm so I c I could n't buy any of what you were telling me and it 's all like a , it was all a smokescreen I was putting up , the accountant , basically I , I was not erm buying anything er and the compressed funding was just blowing my mind because I could n't understa er it was basically giving me an easy option to say I do n't need to do anything cos I can compress my funding at forty five wo n't I , when my business has taken off .
21 The reason why we 're having to go to a higher figure now is there are two major areas of land , er one is the land behind the railway station , the British Rail land , and the other is the land at a a location called St Nicholas Field , a former household waste site , both of which we are taking steps to bring forward for development .
22 Mr Chairman , I did n't get that last the last late one that most of what they 're saying is , comes under the authority of .
23 The influential are those who get the most of what there is to get
24 He grasped most of what she was saying without ever quite bestowing upon her his full attention .
25 ‘ Although , of course , you wo n't need most of what I 'm telling you , ’ he grinned .
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