Example sentences of "[num] [conj] [adj] [noun] [subord] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Who now is going to kick sweetly to touch fifty or sixty metres when there 's a danger of a quick throw against you ?
2 They can kill as many as eight or nine men if they do fall into a trench …
3 Be shall mow two meadows in Wodemed for 7 days and on Westmede for 2 or 3 days until it is reped , and what is mown in 2 days there he shall make with his companions … and the lord shall give the mowers of the two meadows 4s. for making the hay .
4 I said and he 's he 's only played with it about six or seven times so we 're gon na she told us to write to Hornby 's about it .
5 She visited the deceased on six or seven occasions while he was in hospital .
6 Er about er what would it be about six or seven years after I left Skerrymor it went on fire .
7 I was very much his son and it was six or seven weeks before I learned that the self-confidence he 'd given me , genetically and by example , to other people was mere boasting .
8 In 1990 they considerably more than doubled and further increases are planned for 1991 and subsequent years until they approach the full cost of providing courses .
9 Moreover , he could recover the known formulas for four , six and eight squares although his method was quite different .
10 Her car was parked at the side of the store , and she would have to walk through three or four departments before she could reach the outside door .
11 training for them , then say after about three or four year if they wan na get married , they got children and they got some good experience .
12 Three or four minutes after they had pulled into a field , Thomas saw a shape near the door .
13 Three or four minutes after they had pulled into a field , Thomas saw a shape near the door .
14 No we went in and erm it was about er three or four minutes before we actually started and he just gave us this paper and he put sets of questions to the different types of differentiation
15 Even so , it was some three or four minutes before he passed through .
16 So he had the Sierra and he said I do n't know whether he 'll want it for , it could be sort of three or four weeks if they 're gon na repair his car or if we can get one within the company like at another depot obviously they 'll get that for him rather than hire one off you .
17 To have a drink on a Sunday , he had to be a ‘ bonna-fide traveller ’ , and had to go at least three or four miles before he would be served .
18 He set out on foot as it was getting dark , and had already walked three or four miles when he saw a cart , half-full of hay , by the side of the road .
19 Traditional Japanese cooking does not have three or four courses as we do , but rather has five distinctive types of dishes — raw , grilled , simmered , stewed or fried — which are presented in a customary order .
20 Perhaps the oak would lay there for three or four years before we used it .
21 The Left now completely rejected MacDonald 's concept of " gradualism " which had not been subjected to searching criticism until some three or four years before he left the party .
22 Must be about three or four years since I 've been in there .
23 No we 'd only had it three or four years when we went to Malton and Pam said then ooh if ever you get rid of this just let me know , it 's just right for me cos she 's only short is n't she ?
24 Or it could be three or four days before it arrives .
25 the principle of span of control : managers should not control more than 5 or 6 subordinates if they have interlocking responsibilities .
26 I had my first baby ooh about ooh fourteen , fourteen or fifteen months after we were married , but I lost , I lost my first baby at three months .
27 ‘ It would have been another 17 or 18 years before we could have had this vote again and I would have lost my chance . ’
28 To get a PPL in New Zealand involves a minimum of fifty hours , and on average trainees log between 55 and 60 hours before they get their licence .
29 It 's had about ten or twelve names since I 've been going there , though some of them were just for one night , just for a party or celebration , and even then the name was never written up anywhere , you just had to know that tonight it was The Lily Pond , or The Jewel Box , The Gigolo , The Hustler , The Place ( no , I think that was somewhere else ) , Grave Charges ( I loved that one ) — or The You Know You Like It , I remember that year especially .
30 Yes , ten or twelve weeks cos I starting
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