Example sentences of "[num] [noun] [adv] [pron] [adv] have " in BNC.

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1 When Mr Szuluk and his brother emerged 2 hours later he still had n't got his clothing grant .
2 To think that not less than 30 years ago we still had a fiver worthy of the 18th century and felt no need to supplement the revenue by the constant issuing of new postage stamps .
3 To take advantage of that large amount of fuel , we have to develop what are there is the fast reactors , and this is Britain 's fast reactor a fast reactor erm uses energy erm about sixty time uses uranium about sixty times more efficiently than the present type of reactors not sixty percent but sixty times so it obviously has tremendous implications for uranium resources .
4 Nine days later he still has n't been able to tell her .
5 And 15 months later it now has the Club Mirror Innovation Award for the most successful marketing concept introduced into a social club nationally .
6 Since that time Art has developed and flourished remarkably in the West Riding , and instead of the lurid paintings of twenty years ago we now have sensitive work stimulated by experience of the environment .
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