Example sentences of "[num] [prep] [pron] [vb mod] [vb infin] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 As a result just one Bq of Caesium-137 , contained in one litre of milk , will undergo a tiny explosion every second ; 60 explosions every minute , 3,600 explosions every hour or a total of three to seven million tiny atomic explosions in its stay in our bodies — any one of which can cause cell mutations which eventually lead to cancer or genetic damage .
2 People of opposing political views can live together , as can people of different religions , until something happens to make them meet head-on , and then one of them must give way .
3 That 's right , but , but you know that it 's only the , are only one of the major supermarket chains that gives money to organization and one of the organizations in Glasgow there was an article in the Scotsman or the Herald the other day and I must n't quote names because I can be wrong , but one of them and there were major s major stores selling food as well as actual food retailers cited , but only one of them will give food that 's past its sell-by date or surplus or whatever for one of the Glasgow charities for the homeless .
4 Each and every one of them will undergo death by burial and rebirth renewed .
5 Julia heard the name ‘ Jonathan ’ , but she made a determined effort not to translate the Italian words , knowing how much the two of them must need privacy .
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