Example sentences of "[num] [adj] [adj] [conj] [verb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Erm now if you record that programme and then , on video , and then play it back you ca n't put in eight eight eight and get it .
2 As we are all aware , they have cut the grant available to safety representatives training , sorry , for safety representatives ' training and will completely eliminate that grant by nineteen ninety five and to top it all they have just announced that a review of all health and safety legislation will be completed by April next year the objective of this review is to reduce the so-called burdens health and safety legislation puts on employers .
3 Give us a call on 071 921 5900 and let us know your choice of album .
4 Give us a call on 071 921 5900 and let us know your choice of album .
5 Erm , I heard Mr Curtis say that the shortfall of affordable houses was seven hundred , he had a target of two thousand two hundred and felt they could find fifteen hundred somewhere already , so another shortfall of of seven hundred that actually contrasts with para' four one one of the one eleven should I say , four one eleven , of the York housing strategy , which has been submitted , and appendix four of the York evidence which actually says that , yes there 's a two thousand two hundred target , but there would still be a shortfall of about one thousand one hundred dwellings if this land , they 're talking about land that they own outside of York , is developed for affordable housing .
6 The aim is to reduce the ranks of the young unemployed who now account for more than half the nation 's two million jobless and to give them an added skill which will help them find work when the training is over .
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