Example sentences of "[num] [noun] it be [adv] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 On the stability front the new M1001 , is a shoe which New Balance claims is the most consistently stable shoe on the market , but at 410 grams it 's also one of the heaviest .
2 Although the glass-rubber transition itself does not depend on polymer structure , the temperature at which T g is observed depends largely on the chemical nature of the polymer chain and for most common synthetic polymers lies between 170 and 500 K. It is quite obvious that T g is an important characteristic property of any polymer as it has an important bearing on the potential application of a polymer .
3 The picture which has emerged over the last five or six years it is very different than the one painted above .
4 There is also considerable evidence ( as marshalled by Ingram 1975 ) to suggest that up to the age of six years it is mainly short , simple but still hierarchically structured sentences that the child is able to produce .
5 I mean for instance on the question of identification after 45 years it 's very difficult , I saw that in the Demianuk trial , to get satisfactory er evidence , but of course er I think British rules of evidence probably would simply mean it was excluded if that was the case , and it was fairly done and the law were n't changed and it was the law as it stands er then I 'd be in favour of it .
6 When a team loses five or six games it is too easy to accept another defeat .
7 In a world where , far from becoming ‘ paperless ’ , our output of printed material is doubling every three years it is hardly surprising that any attempt to increase our efficient use of paper is rapidly accepted .
8 Of three books on the nervous system G. M. Shepherd 's Neurobiology is called an introduction but since it is a systematic study of 600 pages it is rather more than that for most of us .
9 Quite frankly My Lords , if there are forty-one constabularies throughout the c country e excluding the Metropolitan Police and the City of London Police , any for instance fifty people were a applied and they may well apply because plenty of people have already done so , you would be talking about a list of some two thousand people it 's quite impossible to think that my Honourable Friend would know all these two thousand people therefore carefully select party hats who might themselves not actually have applied anyhow .
10 It too was cast in copper but at 18 kg it was too heavy to cast by inverting a joined mould and crucible .
11 Instead of manufacturer 's servicing it 's just an oil change and level check , that 's all it is , every three months , three thousand miles , because bearing in mind that these vehicles will be over five years and sixty thousand miles it 's less onerous to the customer to have that than to be forced into having a manufacturer service which they probably ca n't afford .
12 Anyone who enjoys this repertoire is likely to find this an attractive disc — not perhaps , as gemütlich as one would like in the Viennese numbers , but certainly possessing a certain straightforward charm of its own , even if at only 50 minutes it 's somewhat underfilled .
13 On one level it is yet another accident , and on a second level it is inevitable , it must be so because it belongs here and nowhere else , as the foreign restaurant bill belongs to a novel about human birds of passage , and as the whistle belongs to a novel , in fact the only late Dostoevsky novel , with no children in it but haunted by the toys of absent innocence and peace : the governor of ‘ our province ’ where these crazy terrible events take place was disappointed in love as a young man and consoled himself by making a paper theatre with curtains , actors , audience , orchestra , conductor — the lot .
14 When many of these are taken by one person it is still useful for him or her to ensure that the separate responsibilities are kept in balance — and essential if the work is to be of use to other teachers .
15 One day it was just open again .
16 It is a typical Karajan project because in one respect it is enormously sophisticated — the technology is elaborate , expensive , and bang up to date — and in another it is very simple , inasmuch as its ultimate aim is nothing more or less than the lucid presentation of the music .
17 Although the house had only one floor it was rather grandiose , and full of pretentious-looking reproduction Renaissance furniture which was distinctly uncomfortable to live with .
18 The task of bringing up children is tough for any parent but for one man it 's particularly difficult .
19 For one thing it is notoriously elastic , and not entirely passive .
20 I think the reason the British like it so much is for one thing it is normally sunny , there are some shots outside when it is rainy and overcast , but it comes across as bright and cheerful and it is an ideal sort of world .
21 For one thing it is too small ; for another it is too directly dependent on the state institutions which pay its wages .
22 For one thing it was too babyish — Moses Arkwright would never do anything with so little risk attached to it — and for another , deep in the dark of his mind a small seed of moral uneasiness had begun to germinate .
23 That is one reason it is so keen that East European products , especially its competitive farm products , should have free access to West European markets .
24 In one way it is more limited , in that it is restricted to rodents , but in another it is less limited because rodent incisors are less variable between rodent taxonomic groups than are the molars .
25 At one time it was quite obvious that his main sponsor , Essex Petroleum , run by the flamboyant American ex-decorator and former Brussels bus-boy , David Thieme , was in some sort of dire trouble and that this trouble was bound to affect Team Lotus as it did ; Chapman knew I was looking into the complex affairs of Thieme and Thieme 's longstanding relations with Lotus .
26 At one time it was only precious metals .
27 Ann High 's husband worked at the mine , but with eight children it was so difficult in winter that she was forced to apply for relief to buy extra clothing .
28 In two cases it 's very much a specific one off application ,
29 We gave up after two hours it was too cold
30 Steve has got one that he played at the last S L Os meeting , it lasts about four minutes it 's as long as the song he ai n't heavy he 's my brother .
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