Example sentences of "[num] [noun] over [art] [adj] [num] " in BNC.

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1 The problem was that Barlaston sat above one of the richest coal mines in Europe and the whole village was expected to sink forty feet over the next twenty years .
2 The man was questioned by officers working on Operation Mountbatten — the police hunt for the so-called Horse Ripper who has carried out almost 30 attacks over the last 18 months in Hampshire and surrounding counties .
3 According to a report from the US Solar Energy Industries Association , sales of solar energy equipment have grown by more than 30 percent over the last two years , the vast majority being bought by developing countries .
4 The top seed , who has missed out on just one final in 30 tournaments over the last two years , looked set for a shock defeat at 3–6 , 0–3 down midway through the second set .
5 In January 1989 the government said it expected a further 361,000 sales over the next three years .
6 The Museum of Decorative Arts in Prague has returned about 700 works over the past six months .
7 The first of many specifications , the group plans to roll-out more than 30 specifications over the next two years covering areas such as massively parallel databases , systems evaluation , security , disaster recovery , report viewing and data sharing and delivery .
8 Yusupov had prepared an unusual opening variation : taking only six minutes over the first 14 moves , while Karpov used almost an hour .
9 That is likely to save 700 lives and more than 30,000 casualties over the next 30 years .
10 CIC is budgeting to sell 100 machines over the next three years .
11 Walter Smith 's team have lost only six matches over the last 18 months , covering 74 league fixtures .
12 Biggs counted six shots over the next three ends to take a 6-4 advantage before Wood replied with a sixth-end double .
13 An unpublished study commissioned by the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration predicts that global warming will cause sea levels to rise between 30 cm and 100 cm over the next hundred years .
14 Cadam Systems , the Japanese affiliate of Cadam Inc , converted MicroCadam for the Sparc , and expects to sell 2,000 systems over the next three years , priced at from $18,000 .
15 Decommissioning the station will cost £220 million and will result in the loss of 490 jobs over the next two years .
16 We 've averaged statistics on the windy season from three resorts over the last six years .
17 And SEARS , the high street stores giant which sells Dolcis and Saxone shoes , is closing 350 shops over the next three years with the loss of 1,700 people .
18 The survey was conducted by petrol station forecourt facility company Carebridge , which questioned 1,060 motorists over the past two months .
19 I 've taken eight antidepressants over the last ten years , Prozac has n't been one of them I must admit .
20 If Mr Rocard runs into new difficulties , he can always push important bills through with the swift and effective parliamentary guillotine — an arguably undemocratic device he has already used 11 times over the past three years .
21 As a result , HDS , which PRC bid as part of its offering , could see orders potentially worth 43,000 units over the next five years , an estimated value of $75m .
22 The new scheme , which , it is hoped , will introduce tennis to some 20,000 youngsters over the next three years , has been masterminded by former British Women 's Team manager , Sue Mappin , most recently remembered for her success in staging the 1991 Federation Cup tournament in Nottingham .
23 During the past 10 months of follow up this patient , who had bled on 11 occasions over the previous six months , has not required further admission with recurrent haemorrhage .
24 The Royal Bank of Scotland is making 3,500 redundancies over the next five years .
25 THE BBC is to shed another 1,500 employees over the next 18 months , bringing the total of jobs axed since 1986 to 7,000 .
26 Dividend yields on expected 1992 earnings are up to 3.8 p.c. , compared with an average 3 p.c. over the last seven years and the economy can count on a resilient currency , low wage claims and an expected 40 p.c. fall in the trade deficit this year .
27 Fortunately , technical developments have ensured that the increase in computing power per unit cost has been growing at about an order of magnitude every 6 years over the last three decades .
28 The report suggests , however , that coral growth will be able to keep pace with sea rises of up to 3 metres over the next hundred years .
29 Neil Clarke , chair of British Coal , announced on Oct. 13 that production was to cease at 31 of the corporation 's 50 pits over the next five months ( including four which were to be mothballed ) and that up to 30,000 jobs were to be lost .
30 Public pressure on the Canadian and Quebec governments has resulted in the pledge of more than 2.4 billion dollars over the next 10 years to clean up the St Lawrence and create a marine sanctuary for the remaining belugas .
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