Example sentences of "[num] [noun] i do n't [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The first six weeks I did n't want to know .
2 I I was very keen er when I had my daughter erm I was quite happy about it and I I I used them , then after three years I did n't use them .
3 Er , three things I did n't know about Dave .
4 This is Mark , erm , three things I did n't know about Mark .
5 Three things I did n't know about her , one , she 's painted a kid 's playroom in primary colours , red , yellow , blue and green , that 's gloss on walls etcetera .
6 Erm , three things I did n't know about John before , he was very mo , modest in pointing out that he was the top salesman twice before last year 's award , he was very quick to tell me that .
7 ‘ Well … three numbers I do n't know .
8 Now , I hope I 've got these facts right and I 'm sure that not , that Eileen may correct me that er we have er forty hundred pounds in the budget , budget for this er the erm South Wales congregation has , has kindly erm given us grant of a thousand pounds and I understand from the secretary of con , Cardiff congregation , and he 's also offered a thousand pounds I do n't know whether we 've got that yet ?
9 So we put ten five pound notes round this very big table and then we 're saying now you 've a hundred and fifty people I do n't know how you managed to get into this room .
10 I 'm prepared for people who actually prepare to make comments yes I think you 've got to limit the time and make comments not particularly what people get up and speak for ten minutes I do n't think it 's fair on the people this evening who 've come along and put a question about why are n't you doing certain things I think that 's and I do n't want those people to actually come to a solution .
11 In greater detail I could look at what kind of coverage we 've got , but I think in ten minutes I do n't have time to do that .
12 Somewhere there , but off the would n't it be but erm it was an event erm when I had a rise in wages my mother being a dressmaker she used to have a machine under the little front window and when I got a , I had a , they 'd put my wages up to ten shillings , and when I got in mum came over and said what 's the matter with you she said you seem as if you 're walking on air I said I 'd had a rise in wages and it was up from eight and four pence up to ten shillings I do n't know what that seems but still .
13 Whether it 's gon na take two years or twelve months I do n't know .
14 It 's not twenty one years I do n't think we 're talking about .
15 So one night I did n't go back to the Barracks for supper .
16 I 'll I 'll rephrase that , n only one day I do n't appear . .
17 So that you can in the end , when I came to do it , although it was seventeen people I did n't find it too difficult .
18 ‘ Let's just say there 's one man I do n't trust , but I 'm not so bigoted that I 'm a man-hater . ’
19 Boredom , thought Charlotte , as she made her way before him across the small panelled dining-room , is one thing I do n't anticipate .
20 ‘ But one thing I do n't want to happen as time goes by is to sit down and say that I did n't do as well as I might have done in another tournament because I did n't put in enough effort .
21 For one thing I do n't want to pick up with people like Joe again or Jean .
22 There 's one thing I do n't like and that 's having my photo taken .
23 Mummy , there 's one thing I do n't like though
24 One thing I do n't understand , ’ he said .
25 ‘ There 's one thing I do n't understand , Shih Herrick .
26 But there is one thing I do n't understand .
27 ‘ That 's one thing I do n't have to worry about , ’ she said .
28 ‘ 'There 's still one thing I do n't know . ’
29 Did n't that 's one thing I do n't know .
30 ‘ The one thing I did n't feel happy doing was a running order .
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