Example sentences of "[num] [noun] of [noun] to the " in BNC.

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31 Of course , one kind of answer to the why has to do with the particularities of each and every research project .
32 It is Slothrop who gives one kind of impetus to the novel in his desire to explain the correlation between his erections and the falling of the V-2 rockets on London ( the novel is set mainly in the last months of the Second World War ) .
33 A weak interaction between knowledge sources necessarily gives a hierarchical flow of information from one level of description to the next , as activation proceeds bottom-up through the system .
34 In Berry 's case , English law did certainly provide for one level of appeal to the Court of Appeal and may have provided one level of appeal beyond that .
35 But you do n't walk far in Oloron without coming to one or other river ; both flow over weirs and both are well below street or house level so that there is the sound of water and a feeling of modest elevation everywhere , as well as regular riverside prospects from the various bridges as you cross from one part of town to the other .
36 They crossed from one side of London to the other .
37 After comfortable MCC draws against Western Australia and an Australian XI , we set off by train for more than four months of practically non-stop cricket from one side of Australia to the other .
38 To Major Patti he stated ( in excellent English ) , ‘ I put in fifteen years of service to the Party and I believe I paid my debt .
39 Two advance parties , including Lt Col Neame , have already flown to Nepal to organise the 500 sherpas and scores of yaks who will carry nine tons of supplies to the south face base camp .
40 One must bear in mind that the transition from one style of life to the next was gradual and there was considerable overlap .
41 As a holder , a banker would want to know the terms and conditions of the carrier from whom he will be claiming the goods , especially since these terms and conditions often change from one bill of lading to the next .
42 " You must both promise , " said my mother as they left to creak down five flights of stairs to the ground floor , " to come and bath in our hotel .
43 The gurgling male , alternately bowing down and rearing up , chased the female from one row of tiles to the next .
44 Well having er carried this appliance nine flights of stairs to the ninth floor of the flat erm my objective was to gain entry into the flat onsh , sorry once the okay was given erm , again the objective was to gain entry into the flat as quickly and as quietly as possible er , by my mistake the equipment was not placed one hundred percent correctly and began to malfunction. er It started to make er a bit of a whirring noise , and a bit of a loud noise and again the objective was to gain entry quickly and quietly .
45 The Whitechapel Art Gallery showed his work in 1986 and one of his compositions was included in Charles Saatchi 's gift of nine works of art to the Tate Gallery where it was exhibited too briefly before Christmas .
46 Their composition differs from one species of bacterium to the next .
47 The first flight of a giant air armada that will race 145,000 tons of supplies to the devastated country will take off next Monday .
48 It pointed out : ’ no overt decision had been made to phase out geriatric wards ; the practice grew as health authorities saw the opportunity to transfer costs to the budget of another Government Department by transferring one aspect of care to the voluntary and private sector .
49 Scandlain could get a simple message from one end of Fife to the other in a matter of minutes .
50 Until vernacular opera made progress during the second half of the eighteenth century , ‘ opera ’ was almost synonymous with Italian opera from one end of Europe to the other .
51 Even if one postulates continent-wide uplift to produce the conglomerate in such widely separated places , it is very difficult to explain why the source rock is also so remarkably similar from one end of Europe to the other .
52 Perhaps not in the political lifetime of most hon. Members but at some future stage , we may see a Community that stretches from one end of Europe to the other , for which I for one will wish to work .
53 Fresh from the indulgence of driving the fastest and most powerful Jaguar saloon ever built over several hundred kilometres of demanding roads , I was about to set off on a journey that would take me from one end of Europe to the other .
54 Secure one end of string to the top of the body of the cake ( not the tip of the cone ) , and wrap the string around and down the cake in a spiral .
55 It was opposed , on the French side , by virtually the same principle which , for all the emotional resurgence of Jacobin principles that may have suffused France at the end of the war , had faded by comparison with the raw and remorseless nationalism that was waiting to engulf the French from one end of Vietnam to the other .
56 Among their other talismans is a little Buddha to which the Buddhist Society of Great Britain have apparently taken exception , although the Cross of Lourdes has only attracted five letters of complaint to the magazine since it first was advertised nine months ago .
57 Rick tried to ensure their involvement by inviting each of them to contribute one unit of activities to the year 's scheme of work .
58 ‘ OALD 's reputation passes from one generation of students to the next , and also seems to carry authority in a way its rivals do not , perhaps because of its family resemblance to the Oxford English Dictionary . ’
59 This process has continued from one generation of Homoeopaths to the next so that instead of the new discoveries sweeping away all the previous ideas , as commonly occurs in many ‘ scientific ’ studies , the knowledge of remedies , known as Materia Medica , is continually being added to , developed and refined .
60 The Scottish stand-off , who was among the Lions replacements , was forced to parade , bouquet in hand , from behind one set of posts to the red carpet on the half-wayline as chaperone to Mireille Mathieu , the French songstress who had just rendered all three verses of the Marseillaise ( with the chorus repeated each time ) .
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