Example sentences of "[vb base] to have be [vb pp] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In the 1695 Election support for the war was the major national issue , but most election contests appear to have been dominated by local rivalries and concerns , and in fact there was relatively little controversial pamphleteering at this time , despite the recent expiry of the Licensing Act .
2 The argument was advanced that a form of welfare payment should perhaps be made available to those who happen to have been born in national parks ( as opposed to those who chose to move there ) if job and housing opportunities have been restricted by conservationist planning policies .
3 The British Library is now gradually coming face to face also with another side of the electronic revolution : the question of how to acquire , preserve and make available unpublished research materials which happen to have been produced in electronic form .
4 Walls seem to have been painted in flat colour washes even earlier .
5 ‘ He made much worse cuts in the ‘ Scenes aux champs ’ of Berlioz 's Symphonie fantastique and in the last movement of Martinů 's Sixth Symphony , though these seem to have been made in live performances only . ’
6 His ideas on sovereignty and social organization seem to have been influenced by sociological positivism and by Duguit in particular .
7 There are few examples outside Kent and none of those found in the upper Thames valley seem to have been buried as complete sets .
8 Some of these livings they were certainly granted by the influence of English churchmen and the king , eager to retain representatives at the Curia , but the majority seem to have been acquired through papal provision : the pope was remunerating his servants out of the English church 's endowments , much to the growing fury of English patrons and politicians .
9 In practice some rifts seem to be of the active type whereas others seem to have been initiated by passive rifting , although in many cases there is no consensus as to whether specific rifts are active or passive .
10 Popular movements between the late fourteenth and the early sixteenth centuries are best understood in the broader context of developments in peasant society , even although most such risings seem to have been prompted by political or fiscal considerations rather than by social grievances .
11 But since all large commercially-made cylinders seem to have been copied from standard ones , there was no increase in quality , only in volume .
12 All foreign branches seem to have been closed for financial reasons in 1891–1892 , but Wilson , after the refloating of the union in 1894 , persisted in his international endeavours , establishing new branches in Hamburg , Rotterdam and Antwerp in the following year and an agency in New York , and accepting the logic of the shipowners ' often repeated argument that British claims to higher pay would be more convincing if foreign rates were brought up to British levels .
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