Example sentences of "[vb base] on [pron] have [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 I goes , ‘ 4×4 , C'm on you 've all read the book — read it , it 's coming out their ears — I goes , let's examine the character of the Witch .
2 But do n't you think though if a gi if they saw her cry they 'd think oh my God hang on we 'd better stop , this is a bit nasty , they would see I mean whereas
3 would Apart As far as the levels are concerned I 'd check them again in Septem Erm no hang on we 've just checked them .
4 Hang on hang on you 've just written a quarter you said four twelfths .
5 When they get hold of me twice in the one day you say hang on I 've just given to you the bus !
6 Sometimes in our praying re , concerning the Holy Spirit , we say , we ask God to give , but God says hang on I 've already given !
7 Yeah go on I 've already done it once .
8 Come on we 'd better go in .
9 Then , ‘ Come on we 'd better make a start .
10 well I do n't know , I suppose they sort of well , they the same time paint work and they go thundering down the corridor and go charging in there and , oh back at training on there you know come on , come on we 've only got half an hour
11 Come on you 've only got ten minutes to go !
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