Example sentences of "[vb base] just [verb] [adv prt] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 You know just look up in the dictionary
2 And you know in one week , but I 'm quite willing you know just to get on with the handicraft , but I just ca n't be committed .
3 At last , a jazz influenced band who do n't try to look as if they 've just stepped out of the pages of Kerouac .
4 In fact , I 've just flown back from the States today , and you 'll be glad to hear that the doctors assured me that Liz and Owen are on the road to a full recovery . ’
5 Well first of all , can I actually correct some of the gross prejudices and inaccuracies that you 've just sent out across the air , which are , frankly , extremely unhelpful .
6 See , and I 've just made out of the stomach .
7 ‘ As you can see , I 've just come out of the bath , ’ Shae said , striving to remain polite , when every instinct in her soul was screaming at her to send the actress running with her tail between her legs .
8 So I 've just come out of the goodness of my heart to warn you to save yourself while you can : you 'll lose Hugo — where is he , by the way ?
9 Well they 've just come out of the chip pan
10 Well I 've just come out of the debate which has just finished on the Palestine and Israel situation and er we passed the voting paper which will become policy for the party , calling for er a non-violent solution recognising the P L O and urging the U N to facilitate negotiations between Israeli government and the P L O.
11 I 've been working abroad for the last twenty years , I 've just come back to the U K and my family 's all died , and I do n't know anybody , and I 'm going to start off working here .
12 ‘ I 've just come back from the Thomas Garlands ’ place , sir . ’
13 I 'm not being rude now , I 've just come back from the Gambia and I have n't stopped
14 A game of tag ( see below ) may well be just the thing ; but if they 've just come in from the playground and that 's what they 've been doing for the last fifteen minutes , it would be a bit of a waste of time .
15 York 's a historic city of some hundred and four thousand people , covering some two thousand nine hundred hectares , but that city itself is only part of the settlement that I think we would all regard as as York itself , that covers a larger population of some a hundred and thirty five thousand people , er contained er within the York outer ring road , and referenced to the the map submitted with my H One submission , and also the greenbelt plan which we 've we 've just put up on the board there , er will show you the the broader extent of the urban area .
16 that I 've just picked up off the here .
17 She shakes me gently by the hand and announces quietly , ‘ I 've just got out of the bath . ’
18 ‘ I 've just got off on the wrong foot with Harcourt .
19 I have just sat down on the wet grass when everyone around me starts to move swiftly in the direction of the wooded area just visible through the mist and gloom .
20 ‘ These have just come through from the printers . ’
21 Demand is so high that there is bound to be plenty of interest in two new properties in need of some tender loving care which have just come on to the market .
22 There is a dusting of snow in Cwm Glas Mawr and above , while clouds have just rolled back from the summit ridge .
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