Example sentences of "[vb base] out [prep] the [noun] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 The best ideas grow out of the product and are intimately linked with it .
2 Classes and private property grow out of the family and together these various factors lead to the break-up of the gens .
3 Oh I do n't see why you just sleep out in the garden or something
4 His hobby was breeding bees and one day he brought them in in a glass cabinet and he was saying , ‘ These are the workers and this is the queen bee , and they fly out of the window and come back with pollen and they make honey . ’
5 There is , in a sense , an ideology of scepticism within clearly defined boundaries and as old men die out of the system and younger ones join it the tradition becomes cumulative and socially-constructed rather than just an individual matter .
6 Grotesque isolated figures — ‘ a huge pock-marked retired captain ’ — loom out of the chaos and disappear again .
7 She pulled her loom out from the corner and put a stool in front of it .
8 Gittins 's work is useful not only because of the way in which she highlights gender , but also because her empirical data broaden out from the household and show that women at least have , under certain circumstances in the past , been involved in the use of kin relations to maximize resources across households .
9 I climb out of the Toyota and go to the fire and push the kettle deep into the ash which now mutes the heat .
10 When I walk out of the house and through the square on my way to a final peaceful meditation at my favourite bay view in trigo cebada , the young man from last night comes out of a doorway with a large cassette in his arms .
11 You walk out of the shop and the goods are then your property .
12 At the same time , the ‘ Gnomebats ’ project out from the curtains and attack as well .
13 All they care about is what they gouge out of the ground and grind into profit ’ .
14 The large shavings and heavy stuff drop out in the container while the finer dust goes through to the cleaner .
15 Just watch out for the dress and do n't get it damaged . ’
16 We lie out on the stones and talk ,
17 So , I 'll now lift up the the curtain and look out into the street and see if there is any sign of them .
18 Oh well I look out onto the window and see that it 's
19 Explore the underground installations , browse in the museum , stand by the guns and look out over the Channel as gunners did in two wars .
20 They look out of the windows when it 's time for me to come home .
21 There were no books in the room so all I could do was look out of the window and wait for the quarterly chimes from the Cathedral Clock .
22 Look out for the posters and the bright yellow ‘ banks ’ touring the country , or call 0606–592 041 for details .
23 Look out for the things that you CAN do at school , and develop those as much as possible .
24 Look out for the envelope that will bring your invitation , and be ready to tell us your preference as soon as it arrives .
25 It 's the spiel we give out to the tourists if they happen to capture one of us when they 're wandering round the grounds .
26 And that is exactly how they look — like things that jump out of the dark and land without a body feeling them and burrow into living flesh , flesh they have numbed with preliminary injections , and … suck .
27 Two other specialized functions , those of religion and industry , stand out from the mass and not surprisingly numerous settlements throughout the empire can be shown to have developed around important sanctuaries or centres of manufacturing and extraction .
28 Can certain individuals be directed in such a way that they stand out from the mass because they are the tellers of the story , the chief exponents in the drama or theme ?
29 We all like to think we stand out from the crowd and , in the past , the face has been seen as the key to unlocking our identity .
30 Once set , pop out of the trays and transfer to a polythene bag .
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