Example sentences of "[vb base] i [vb base] [adv] [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In most cases that I 've dealt with and I 've f I repeat I 've probably dealt with more than any other living person in court , er there has been a clear case of rape .
2 We have that many er applications I mean I 've just gone through A division and I 've got er a pile of cards literally an inch thick with people a made an initial inquiry or b they 've been furnished with questionnaires and not been returned , so I 'm sending those er right through the divisions
3 I mean I 've just come through there and I had a car today and a girl was telling me her father erm opened his door last week er cataract and the , the wife , the granny blind too and there , the man from the water board was just going to switch off your water , just okay if I check your taps , three hundred pounds out the house
4 Unbelievable , I mean I 've always looked upon the horse as a nice horse not as the winner of an Arkle .
5 I mean I 've never looked through a telescope .
6 I mean I 've never talked to them so I I do n't know yet
7 well the the have a training roll and it may well be that the will be able to I mean I have n't spoken for example but they have taken over the functions of the old Manpower Services Commission training agency .
8 you know as I say I 've not worked in this division but I I know that these have been fully sold , that 's the sort of money and once again that has to be done in three weeks .
9 They say I have only flirted with a temporary vice and its vice-keeper and , having survived them both , I am still me and I am no junkie .
10 bother I 've ever had with him , and he goes on to it and away he goes and he 'll come back in the house and he 'll go up the stairs to the computer , and that 's his life .
11 what 's the mat , look I 've just trod on two grapes there
12 ‘ You know I 've never agreed with your will , ’ he continued .
13 In the company you know I 've never dealt with any
14 He said : ‘ The supporters know I have always spoken to them in honesty and when I could not give them the truth I have kept my mouth shut .
15 And I suppose I 've always sided with Barry .
16 I suppose I have always thought of it as a possibility but his actual decision to marry was a surprise . ’
17 ‘ I feel I 've just auditioned for the part of a human being and I did n't get the job . ’
18 Earlier , that same hole , Sam Torrance had hit the longest drive I think I have ever seen in competitive golf .
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