Example sentences of "[vb base] i [modal v] [verb] [prep] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 No well I mean I can pay for it , it 's just a question of getting it and sort of erm only we 're not often here on a Sunday , if Mr is here , is it
2 It was just , I wondered if , so if I get something along this line , I mean I can cope with something like this .
3 If they know which party you are from and say , ‘ Oh I expect I 'll vote for you ’ , they probably mean ‘ I wo n't , but I want to get rid of you quickly because Dallas is just beginning ’ , or , I 've no idea and I 'm really not interested — politicians are all the same . ’
4 I 've written about this before and I expect I 'll write about it again , because I get more frustrated knitters questioning me about this than almost anything else .
5 All the vibrato I want I can do with my left hand fingers and I despise the sound of dive bombs and squeals .
6 WILLIAMS : I hope I may trust to your discretion not to let Mr. Belville know from whom you had the information .
7 comes through , so if you just wait I 'll talk to you again a little bit about that
8 it 's got me going up to Alex saying er er no one wants to do it with me and he 's going look I 'll sleep with you man so I 'm going
9 If I thought you were a real threat , you know I would stop at nothing to discredit you . ’
10 You know I 'd look after her . ’
11 ‘ I know I can rely upon your discretion , mum 's the word , ’ his constituency chairman continued , ‘ but all the publicity she has been getting has gone to her head .
12 I know I can improve on my acting by taking on more demanding roles , performances that are more difficult than playing Charlene day in day out .
13 I know I can come through it .
14 Using the cover of the bushes or whatever , I crouch as low as possible and manoeuvre myself into a position where I know I could cast to them , not forgetting to make a note of a landing site , for it is useless to hook a fish if you can not play it to the landing net .
15 But I suppose I must talk to them because that man was an American .
16 I suppose I must look like him must n't I
17 I suppose I should put in my two penneth …
18 I suppose I could manage on my own , but — ’
19 ‘ I suppose I could learn without you , but I would so much rather learn with you . ’
20 I suppose I can look upon her as a younger sister ? ’
21 If Muldowney 's is the most adventurous and forward-looking , Holloway 's is the one I feel I can take to my heart .
22 Sometimes I feel I could do with one .
23 I feel I must write to you concerning your interview with Tony MacMahon about Irish traditional music .
24 Now I feel I must write about what is going on at Everton FC .
25 ‘ I bet I could think of something . ’
26 ‘ That sounds the kind of chauvinist remark I 'd expect from you ! ’
27 Think I might know about it do you ?
28 I think I ought to check on my motor-bike patrol . ’
29 Er I , I think I would agree with you there that I mean it 's natural to be nervous
30 Instead she said , ‘ I think I shall talk to my father first .
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