Example sentences of "[vb base] for the [adj] [noun] in " in BNC.

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1 These should more than compensate for the natural decline in other more mature fields .
2 When Eva had gone and I lay for the first time in the same house as Charlie and Eva and my father , I thought about the difference between the interesting people and the nice people .
3 Until the FRC and its cohorts have made substantial progress in imposing uniformity in accounting matters , the profession will continue to be criticised because companies account for the same things in different ways .
4 Hunt for the last wolf in Norway
5 The net costs of Eagle Lodges appear for the first time in the income and expenditure account and are largely attributable to setting up costs as there was little income from occupancy during 1990 .
6 Foreign Offices of a modern kind , specialized in their functions , subdivided ( usually on a largely geographical basis ) into departments with still more specialized duties and employing considerable numbers of experts of all kinds , now appear for the first time in the major European capitals .
7 Now you can send for the ambulance , send for the straitjacket , send for the little men in white coats .
8 Chester-le-Street 's Lindsay Hardy , 15 , also won the girls race for the second year in succession , finishing 12th overall , and was surprised to beat Middlesbrough and Cleveland 's Kerry Matthew by over a minute and a half .
9 Bearing in mind the millions of pounds that the Government raised from privatisations — the selling of the family silver — and all the money that has been raked into the Treasury , should not the Economic Secretary stand at the Dispatch Box and apologise for the economic mess in which the Government have landed this country ?
10 Even though the World Cup will swamp the domestic competition , the Shield will still continue to provide some of the most riveting cricket of the summer as these four highly-competitive sides battle for the two places in the five-day final .
11 TORBREX Wanderers have done much to keep the Scottish Indoor League championship race open by beating fellow Dundonians Menzieshill for the first time in the league last month .
12 ‘ And , ’ continued the badger ceremoniously , ‘ I am sure I speak for the entire population in wishing you all the very best in driving away this menace in our midst .
13 In a keynote address on July 15 , Major called on G-7 leaders to " build a world partnership and strengthen international order " by adopting a five-point plan covering global arms control , a strengthened UN , international free trade , support for the democratic movements in eastern Europe and the Soviet Union , and increased trade with these countries .
14 In fact , you can argue and remonstrate until you are blue in the face but certain plans or arrangements can not be progressed just yet and you must simply sit tight and wait for the Full Moon in Aries on the 14th before making any drastic changes or decisions .
15 Collections drop for the first time in a decade
16 Look for the hooded sweater in a startling colour .
17 Even your first flight could end up with a field landing and , if the wheel brake lever is not in the usual position for you , your habits will catch you out as you claw for the non-existent lever in panic .
18 History in the making at Barbados : West Indian and South African players and officials meet for the first time in a Test match .
19 Fittingly the local-born lad took the first spot kick which completed the first leg of what could see the city 's two clubs meet for the first time in the last four .
20 And the DUP lost its stronghold in Ballymena , dropping two seats and giving the Ulster Unionists overall control for the first time in 15 years .
21 Then they heard — their ears alert for the slightest changes in the grind of the traffic — a car slowing just behind them .
22 Demand for the new course in Graphic Communication has been high in the School and with the latest in Computer Aided Graphics and Design forming an integral part of the course it is already proving very popular with our pupils .
23 Torrance , who has played in the last six Ryder Cup matches and badly wants to figure in the next at the Belfry in September , shot his 69 despite having a nose bleed for the first time in his life early in the morning , then again on the course .
24 Gleizes and Le Fauconnier became friendly in 1909 after a meeting at the home of a young socialist writer named Alexandre Mercereau , where Gleizes also met Metzinger and Delaunay for the first time in the following year , although these meetings did not lead to immediate friendship , and Gleizes knew little about their work .
25 Its purpose is to help UK students prepare for the forthcoming examinations in May .
26 It is inevitably a part of the normal grieving process that people search for the dead person in a multitude of ways , but it is very necessary for friends of the bereaved to help them choose carefully .
27 We pray for those who have been called to serve you full-time , and in particular we pray for the Christian workers in the city of Exeter .
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