Example sentences of "[vb base] that the [noun] [verb] be " in BNC.

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1 Despite the impossibility of an objective assessment , there are , however , considerations that suggest that the conflict has been exaggerated in the interests of scientism and secularism .
2 In the second well , however , the sonic log indicates that the upper unit is much tighter and the core descriptions suggest that the pores have been filled by an anhydrite cement .
3 There are lots of bits of evidence that suggest that the Bible has been consistently rewritten to make it more monotheistic than it really was in the beginning .
4 Yesterday 's figures suggest that the corner has been turned .
5 Analyses of ‘ news values ’ suggest that the information chosen is not simply a random selection of events .
6 If you want to make a wooden staircase leading from the patio to the garden , it is made in the same way as an indoor staircase , expect that the timber used is much thicker .
7 ‘ You say that the paintings have been handed down .
8 Well the , the fourth point in relation to er we say that the point has been fully pleaded , corsation is a question of fact , the , er , it 's not an issue which we say arises on these preliminary issues and can raise it er under order eighteen , rule nineteen , if they so wish , that is traditionally the places where it seems nexus points arise erm and they will put in , er app , we will put in , the defendants will put in appropriate evidence at that point , depending upon whether the , the strike out allows evidence and how they frame their strike out , but the nexus point is fully pleaded , we set out step by step and in relation to er restrictions how they were caused the loss , my Lord at that point , at this point we believe that 's all we have to do and certainly we believe that it be sufficient to get over a strike out
9 Estate agents Woodroffe Walter , of Horncastle , say that the bus has been ‘ beautifully converted ’ and list central heating , a flush toilet and a cast iron bath among its many features .
10 So he stood with her , and held her , and very soon nature began to teach them both what to do , and before very long the neighbours heard a little shriek come from Pascoe 's cottage , and the old wives glanced and nodded to each other , content that the marriage had been consummated , and anxious to share with each other reminiscences of their own experiences in similar circumstances .
11 However , both Sir David Plastow , the Vickers chairman , and Peter Ward , the Rolls-Royce Motors chairman and chief executive , insist that the gloom has been overdone and that structural changes introduced in the last year have made the company leaner and more efficient .
12 I declare that the motion has been carried , that is the deliverance as in print , number four on page one eight five .
13 Incidentally , I trust that the fretwire used is up to scratch ; I 've recently seen a few Korean guitars with very soft fretwire which would probably need a re-fret after only a short time .
14 Chief executive , Alan Wood , said : ‘ These results show that the society have been effective in handling the problems caused by the recession and that there is a continuing role for building societies operating on the traditional well understood bases . ’
15 Thus , if the Insured can demonstrate that thought was given to the safety of the property the duty will usually have been fulfilled even if subsequent events show that the precautions taken were inadequate .
16 Thus , if the Insured can demonstrate that thought was given to the safety of the property the duty will usually have been fulfilled even if subsequent events show that the precautions taken were inadequate .
17 If it is required to register this release at HM Land Registry ( and that depends on the practice by the mortgagee ) the original ( plus copy ) should be sent ( together with fee of £40 ) to HM Land Registry who would note on the Charges Register that the charge had been varied .
18 We can understand this more clearly if we imagine that the tables have been turned , and that we are trying to get by in basic dolphin-language .
19 Although two thirds of Oxfordshire teachers consider that the scheme has been useful in producing proposals for change in schools , the actual changes claimed are rather nebulous and a quarter of all teachers are unsure as to whether their review has led to any changes at all .
20 I 'll call for a vote for quite clear I am going to stick to what I 've said that I consider that the amendment has been proposed it can be if it 's to be accepted it can then be accepted by the Committee as a whole
21 According to the price inflation version of the Phillips curve , we must of necessity infer that the economy had been operating at a level of demand which was consistent with an unemployment rate U * ; in Figure 6.6 .
22 Yes , but particularly with reference to John Major , I think he 's had an amazing honeymoon and people are prepared to give him the benefit of the doubt as you were about his quote treatment of women unquote , and I suspect that the media have been particularly sympathetic and wearing kid gloves with him , and I find that the role of the media is to probe and to pry and
23 Human rights organisations maintain that the men have been wrongly convicted and are being victimised for being members of the leading opposition political party .
24 In the following example from Palace and Politics in Prewar Japan ( Appendix 6 ) , we already know that the person addressed is the Emperor .
25 They all know that the Bill has been brought to the House in this form only because of the catastrophe of what happened on the Bills that were guillotined a few years ago — the poll tax Bills .
26 Know that the Captain has been … er … swindling us ? ’
27 I know that the post has been advertised .
28 For example , most people will not mind waiting a few extra minutes in a hospital waiting room if they know that the doctor has been called away to deal with an emergency .
29 ‘ He would come out , indicate that the goods had been ordered and ask the victim for payment in cash .
30 The effect is substantial and the listening comments below all presuppose that the link has been made .
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